In order to provide you with the best information possible before you buy, we have indicated the probable availability of each item in the shop. Our general terms and conditions apply to delivery and delivery times.
available immediately
The item is in stock in large quantities and will probably be available to order in the next few days or weeks.
low stock
Stock is low, so the item will be sold out in the next few days to weeks.
expected to be available from…
The item can be ordered in advance, but is still on its way to our warehouse. Therefore, the final shipping date may be postponed. We will ship your entire order after all items have arrived. Alternatively, you can split your order into several orders.
currently out of stock
We currently have no stock of this item. It will probably be available again in the next few days or weeks.
sold out
The item is probably sold out permanently. We are only showing it for a few more weeks for your information.
available soon
This article will be available for order again soon. The goods will be delivered in the next few days or weeks.
All information provided for the articles contains great uncertainty. We have difficulty predicting short-term peaks in demand. The manufacturers’ supply via the network of wholesalers and intermediaries also involves uncertainty and sometimes unintentionally incorrect information. We deliberately do not state the number of items in stock because, depending on the bottle, we sell 1 to 100 per month. This information would not be of any help to you.