Colleagues (permanent and freelance, editorial and production) from the WDR studios in Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg, Siegen, Münster and Bielefeld met in Dortmund today. It was a good event in front of the football museum with a clear message for the round of negotiations taking place tomorrow. Photo: Volkmar Kah for the DJV NRW
Already in the WDR morning magazine on ARD and ZDF it is clear: There will be another strike. The journalists’ unions DJV and ver.di have called on their members to strike. Together they want to put pressure on for the next round of wage negotiations. The reason for the work stoppages is what the unions consider to be the “inadequate offer” from the WDR management, which provides for a salary increase of only 2.25 percent from January 1, 2024 for a term of 30 months. On the condition of a fee increase, the WDR offered an additional 2.46 percent from January 1, 2025.
“What the WDR has presented so far is worse than in almost all other ARD institutions”
Immediately before the next round of wage negotiations for permanent employees and freelancers with similar responsibilities tomorrow (15 August 2024), the unions DJV, Ver.di and VRFF have again called for a warning strike at WDR on Thursday. The one-day strike will last from 2 a.m. on Thursday to 2 a.m. on Friday. The strikers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia met on Thursday morning in Dortmund and Cologne for central rallies.
Photo: Volkmar Kah for the DJV NRW
“We hope that the employer has used the time since the last round of negotiations on July 2 to significantly improve its offer. The successful five-day warning strike in mid-July and the renewed wake-up call today should be reason enough for WDR to fundamentally change its previous negotiating tactics. It is about respect and appreciation for the demands of the employees,” says DJV negotiator Volkmar Kah.
“What the WDR has presented so far is worse than in almost all other ARD institutions and is miles away from the traditional link to the public service. We do not accept that,” said Kah.
Employees should be decoupled from income developments in the public sector
The United Services Union is also striking a similar tone: ver.di NRW is also intensifying strike action at Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) and the Contribution Service in view of the upcoming wage negotiations: “The offer from the employers’ side is completely inadequate and disregards the performance of the employees,” criticizes ver.di union secretary Sergio Perder.
The employees at WDR have run out of coffee – but the unions have refilled their cups. Photo: Volkmar Kah for the DJV NRW
“After the employers’ side failed to make any substantive proposals over several rounds of negotiations, they are now sticking with an offer that falls far short of the collective agreement for the public service in the states. The employees at WDR deserve fair pay that does justice to their daily work,” said Perder.
Christof Büttner, ver.di negotiator, is also critical: “The employers’ side must stop trying to decouple employees from the income development in the public service of the states.”
The collective agreement for the public service of the federal states is traditionally used as a benchmark and is also accepted as a benchmark by the Commission for the Determination of the Financial Requirements of the Broadcasting Institutions (KEF).
New remuneration structure means significant deterioration for freelancers
In addition, ver.di criticizes the planned introduction of a new remuneration structure, which provides for significant deterioration for freelancers. “No reductions in fees for the same work,” emphasizes Büttner. “The freelancers are rightly angry, and we will not accept these deteriorations.”
Photo: Volkmar Kah for the DJV NRW
ver.di is demanding an increase in effective fees for freelance workers of 10.5 percent, and at least 100 euros more per shift for time-related shifts.
For employees, a salary increase of 10.5 percent, but at least 500 euros per month, is demanded, and for trainees, an increase in training allowance of at least 250 euros per month.
“The permanent and freelance employees of the WDR have now clearly demonstrated several times that they will continue to fight for a fair offer from their employer – the ball is now in the WDR’s court. It is high time that it met the employees halfway and made them a real wage offer,” stressed DJV Managing Director Volkmar Kah.
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