Home » Health » NASA: Mars Seismic Data Shows Signs of Martian Subsurface Water

NASA: Mars Seismic Data Shows Signs of Martian Subsurface Water

According to a study published on Monday (12/8) using data from NASA’s Mars InSight rover, it shows that there are large reservoirs of water that may be deep beneath the surface of Mars.

The reserve is located about 11.5 to 20 km deep in broken igneous rock under the surface of Mars, which is expected to hold enough water to fill an ocean, covering the entire surface of the planet Earth.

Molten water deep beneath the surface of this fourth planet could offer favorable conditions for sustaining microbial life, both past and present, researchers say.

The Survey of Seismic, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight), which has been on the Red Planet since 2018, has measured seismic data for four years, studying how earthquakes shake of the earth and determining what material or materials are beneath the surface.

This discovery advances the search for life beyond Earth and shows what may have happened to the ancient seas of Mars. [th/jm]

2024-08-13 17:28:35
#NASA #Mars #Seismic #Data #Shows #Signs #Martian #Subsurface #Water

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