Home » Health » Tribute to Councilwoman Guadalupe Portilla Hernández at Paso de Ovejas City Hall

Tribute to Councilwoman Guadalupe Portilla Hernández at Paso de Ovejas City Hall

At 2:00 p.m. on Monday he arrived at the facilities of the City hall From Paso de Ovejas the coffin where the body of the Councilwoman First Guadalupe Portilla Hernández and in this way, a tribute was made to him body present.

He president municipal Mario Mafara Ramírez, other councillors and city hall staff received the coffin.

With the support of elements of the Police Municipal From Paso de Ovejas, the funeral box was taken to the palace corridors municipal and thus pay tribute to him.

A was made Session of Town Hall and where at all times, it was heard Councilwoman First Guadalupe Portilla, “present, present, present, etc.”

At the same time, cheers and applause were heard, and a minute of silence was observed in honor of the mayor Guadalupe Portilla Hernández, who came through the ranks of the PRI as Councilwoman First in the 2022-2025 administration.

Once the tribute was over, body present, the funeral procession returned to the community of Acazonian.

At 4:00 p.m. sharp the ceremony would take place misa of body present in the parish of San José.

Once the homily was over, the funeral procession took shape pantheon from that same town and thus he was accompanied to his final resting place Councilwoman First Guadalupe Portilla Hernandez.

As it was announced at the time, Lupitaas it was known mayor Pasovejense, died yesterday Sunday in a hospital in the port of Veracruzvictim of an illness that had been afflicting him for some time.

Guadalupe Portilla Hernández, was 33 years old and was a resident of the community of Acazonianbelonging to the municipality of Paso de Ovejas, Ver.

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