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The future of the watch? Gesture-based conversation

If you ask Perplexity.ai, a ChatGPT-like conversational agent, how it sees the future of the watch, it will give you dozens or even hundreds of suggestions (of course, you have to ask the right “Prompts”). Not all of the suggestions are excellent, far from it. But one of them caught our attention: “Gesture-based conversationalism.”

Imagine: with a simple movement of the wrist you can open the car door, change the channel on the television, scroll through the slides of your PowerPoint presentation or pay for an online purchase. A new world opens up to us. The gesture becomes the expression of our choice, our will, before that of our desires…

How to interpret this innovation?

From a technical point of view, simple motion sensors do the trick, but from a societal and professional applications point of view a huge world opens up before us. Whenever we need to give an instruction remotely, we could use a wrist movement retransmitted in “bluetooth” to the device in question (TV, car, door, computer, etc.).

The possibilities of use are endless, only the will of our Swiss watchmakers to go beyond the comfort of the status quo can pose a problem. Will they one day be able to understand that a watch has only one monopoly: that of the wrist! No one – in the era of iPhones – uses their watch to really know the time. Let’s be serious! At most, we can show our social status.

But what interests us is this powerful capacity to invent that conversational agents like ChatGPT or Perplexity have. Until yesterday, we tended to talk about hallucination to designate this imagination, but today their proposals – outside the framework – have become more precise and more exploitable. This is perhaps the real novelty of artificial intelligence (AI): a machine to innovate, to help us innovate to be more exact. We then speak of a “killing application” in the jargon of geeks, that is to say a functionality that will become indispensable forever.

What does this mean for a business, an SME?

Quite simply, companies could consider conversational AI (next-generation LLMs) as bottomless pits of creativity and innovation. Because they can produce something new in all areas: new molecules for medicine, innovative materials for industry, original products for finance, combinations of ideas for science, inspirations for artists and musicians, unique stories for writers or screenwriters, etc. This also concerns small and medium-sized businesses, because innovation is often just a matter of small incremental progress. It is in this area of ​​small improvements that Switzerland excels. We are a country of small steps, let’s not forget that. “Creative” AI is made for us!

This is a major revolution because we humans have just “lost” a unique competitive advantage: the ability to create something new from something old… We were the only ones doing this on the planet!

Big thrills. Used wisely, these abilities could help us stimulate our creativity, it is a major adaptation challenge for a country that wants to be the country of innovation.

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