A different way of making bread is gaining ground among bakers, foodies and the devotees of the fit move. This is a recipe that, although not new, became all the rage during the pandemic. Yeast and industrial flours were left behind to make way for natural fermentation processes that promise to be very beneficial for the body as they improve intestinal health and prevent cellular aging. Thus, the sourdough It is established as a healthy alternative when it comes to consuming baked goods.
From the United States National Library of Medicine, They reveal that this preparation has to do with a ancestral formula, discovered by accident in 2000 BC by the Egyptians. It is believed that its origin was due to the fermentation of flour and water which was then cooked until it became bread. Over time, this technique was perfected and crossed borders.
Today, this discovery continues to be developed and attracts attention for improving the taste and texture of baked goods and for the positive impact it has on all the functions of the body. So much so that it is considered a special ally for those seeking to lose weight, balance blood glucose and for those who are gluten intolerant.
For her part, Lucila Rosso, a graduate in Nutrition (MN: 9757), explains that although sourdough has always existed, its recent boom was during the Covid-19 quarantine because the lockdown “encouraged many people to venture into cooking.” Another reason, according to the specialist, is the growing inclination of the population towards conscious nutrition habits: “Nowadays there is a great preference for consuming foods with multiple nutritional properties that enhance health, and sourdough is one of them.”
Sourdough was discovered in 2000 BC by Egyptian society.Shutterstock
The formula to create it is generated from the combination of flour and water “It ferments naturally thanks to the generation of bacteria and yeasts that give it shape and consistency,” says Rosso. He adds that the interesting thing about this preparation is that Contains no chemical additives, which are often used in traditional mixtures so that they last, but in the long run they can be harmful to health.
Since sourdough bread is a completely natural and organic food, specialists point out that it offers multiple benefits. Its nutritional composition is of noble character. Half a slice of bread contains approximately 160 calories and 32 grams of carbohydrates, a macronutrient that supplies energy and builds muscles.
In this preparation, Vegetable fiber is also present, in this case in the form of prebiotics, live microorganisms that stimulate the growth of microbiota bacteria in the colon, and whose function is to “promote intestinal health and improve digestibility, that is, the way in which our body assimilates food,” Rosso says. In this case, half a slice of bread has between two and four grams of fiber. According to a Harvard University report, An adult woman up to 50 years old needs a daily intake of 25 grams of fiber and a man, 38 grams.
Therefore, consumption of sourdough-based foods is recommended for people who need lose weight since fiber generates satiety for a long period of time, that is, it inhibits appetite. In parallel, specialists consider it ideal for people who are gluten intolerant since, as The fermentation process is slower, completely breaking down carbohydrates and gluten.
In turn, the presence of micronutrients classifies sourdough as a “star” baked product. It is a source of B vitamins, They provide energy, prevent fatigue and tiredness and act as antioxidants, thus preventing the aging of cells and tissues and strengthening the immune system and preventing the development of chronic diseases, tumors and even colds.
Regarding minerals, the following stand out: potassium, which is part of muscle contraction and helps maintain a constant heart rate. It also improves nerve transmission and kidney function.
Sourdough-based baked goods are ideal for people who are trying to lose weight and those who are gluten intolerant.Shutterstock
He hierro is another of its components: “It is a nutrient that transports and stores oxygen in the body and participates in the formation of hemoglobin, which are red blood cells,” says Gabriel Crincoli, a graduate in Nutrition and member of the bariatric and metabolic surgery team at the Favaloro Foundation Hospital (MN: 1645).
This list also includes the soccer, essential for “strengthening and maintaining vital bones and teeth,” says Crincoli, adding that this nutrient also helps with muscle contraction and blood circulation through the blood vessels.
Specialists point out that it also houses magnesium, a component that regulates and balances the correct functioning of the nervous system and participates in the formation of proteins. Finally, it contains zinc, which is responsible for strengthening the immune system, is part of cell growth and heals wounds.
The process is simple, but it requires time and patience. Estefanía Beltrami, a graduate in Nutrition, says that the first step is Mix in a sterile container – ideally a medium, wide jar – the same amount of warm water and flour, As the specialist points out, it can be made from any cereal, although it is best if it is whole grain since the fibre and yeast are found in its shells.
The preparation is done by mixing flour, water and a teaspoon of sugar. Shutterstock
TCover the container with a cloth and let it rest for 24 hours at room temperature. and away from drafts, which inhibit the effect of fermentation.
The next day, more flour and water are added: “Half a glass of each, no matter how much it was started with,” says Rosso. In addition, A teaspoon of sugar is added, which is what drives the fermentation process: “This substance acts as a nutrient for yeast and accelerates its development,” says the expert. However, it is important not to overdo it, since at higher levels it interferes with the development of bacteria and inhibits the process.
This method It is repeated for three to five more days. The indication that it is ready is given by its creamy appearance and the formation of bubbles and a brown liquid that accumulates on the surface of the dough, but which must be removed before using it because it “contaminates” the flavor of the future baked goods.
Now, once this process is over, when you want to use it for cooking, you have to separate a small piece of the preparation. The rest, which remains in the jar, can be preserved in two ways:If you are going to continue using it, you should put it back in the lid and keep it at room temperature. Otherwise, you should keep it in the refrigerator.” remarks Rosso.
As for the difference between sourdough and a classic bread dough, Beltrami points out that in the latter, yeast is added to the preparation, which makes the production process faster and more industrial. In addition, it usually contains other artificial components such as fats and preservatives that “in the end result in a less nutritious baked product.”
Without going any further, sourdough is the new “vedette” of bakeries. And although it is a fad, it must be stressed that it is a noble and nutritious product.
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