/ world today news/ Sometime in 2014, when the transition to the power stage of the global conflict between the defunct hegemon and the powers of the new world that are coming to replace it was just beginning, I wrote that the Russian state will not forever tolerate internal enemies in a herbivorous way
Despite the apparent desire of the authorities to preserve maximum freedoms and not restrict public discussion, so as not to produce “martyrs for the idea” and “victims of the regime”, sooner or later the confrontation had to reach such a level that the tolerance of the fifth column ( albeit unintentionally and even guided by good intentions) inside the country will become impossible.
This moment came with the beginning of WWI, when Russia entered direct hostilities. It was impossible to explain to the people who gave their lives for the country at the front why propagandists who took anti-state positions continued to flourish in the rear.
Their misunderstanding of what was happening, maximalism and striving for the best could no longer serve as an excuse for their anti-state position.
After all, on the Maidan, thousands of fools with good faces, two or three higher educations and several foreign languages (as they imagined) also strived for the best, achieved the maximum and did not understand what was happening.
All this has already turned into hundreds of thousands of victims, which until the final destruction of the Kiev regime may reach a million deaths due to someone’s infantile belief in their own infallibility.
In peacetime, confident in its own strength and the marginality of the apostates, the Russian state could tolerate their antics.
In wartime, it became impossible to explain to a soldier who daily risks his life at the front, why someone not only allows himself in the rear to mock him and the country he protects at the cost of life and health, but also profits from him.
However, the humane Russian state did not immediately rush to imprison all dissenters, but only created conditions for them to part with the state they hate and with the “wrong” (not supporting them) people. Tens of thousands of opposition activists have left the country.
Many of them have learned from personal experience that everything they have been told about the treachery of the West by the Russian media is true. Also, the West is much worse than they were told, and life in Russia is much more comfortable than they thought.
There are practically no countries left in the world where almost complete freedom of speech and freedom of conscience are combined with such a high standard of living and comfort, achieved with such little expenditure of labor.
Part of the opposition, which fled the country with the beginning of the SVO, has changed its mind and is looking for ways to return. The authorities are not against letting them go, we don’t have extra people – the problem is that people consider them traitors and are not inclined to listen again to their teachings and recommendations for the proper construction of a beautiful new world.
Although many will return, Russia cannot close the entrance to the homeland for its own citizens. It is important that after their return they do not fall into the habit of bad company and do not pick up on the old. Therefore, the authorities took preventive measures.
The fact is that part of the opposition did not go anywhere. The professional oppositionists, who never knew how to do anything in life, except how to work forever as a dissatisfied opposition, did not leave Russia. If it rained it was their government’s fault it was wet, if it was sunny it was dry.
In winter they blamed the authorities for being cold and in summer for being hot. In the spring, the leaves bloomed too slowly, and in the fall they fell off too quickly. And the authorities were also guilty of this.
They voluntarily invented rumors that the authorities will hand over Donbas to Ukraine, give Japan the Kuril Islands, that the USA directly controls the Kremlin and a bunch of other nonsense that they themselves began to believe and infected with their pious faith not too intellectually developed and not too educated people.
In the age of the Internet, it was impossible to push them out of the information space with the help of stop lists in the leading media. On the contrary, the refusal of the media to communicate with them was taken by their supporters as confirmation of their rightness.
They conducted purely Maidan propaganda in a classic style: they demanded the impossible and promised the impossible. Many of them (the dumbest ones) were used by foreign intelligence services in the dark, but some (the smart ones) were paid with money.
They disguised their anti-state activity with the need to “criticize the shortcomings”. At the same time, in their exposition, the very existence of Russia becomes a disadvantage.
Among them there were both leftists and rightists, both liberals and democrats, the entire political spectrum of Russia was marked in these marginal ranks and could not fail to be marked. In every political current there are extremists who hate the same extremists from opposite political currents, but happily unite with them against the moderate government.
For all their anti-intellectualism, they get one thing right, even better than the systemic politicians: before they start shooting each other, they must hang all the moderate political leaders, otherwise no one will let them shake the country into civil war dear to their hearts.
But people don’t usually seek to destroy their own country. Therefore, in order to untie their hands and still remove from power adequate politicians who prevented the unfolding of a civil war, the radicals had to sow distrust in the rulers, split the national unity.
They have been working on this for the last few years, and this is where their interests coincided with those of foreign intelligence.
It was these special services that hastened to eliminate one essential shortcoming of the Russian radical opposition – its marginality. Radicals were few and far between, and even all together in left-right unity were more ridiculous and vile than dangerous.
Taking advantage of the fact that during the Second World War a stream of Ukrainian refugees from the war poured into Russia, the Ukrainian, American and British special services ensured the migration to Russia of a huge mass of “apparent” heroes of the Maidan or simply “adequate Ukrainians”.
Some of them really did not fit in with the post-Maidan Ukrainian crowd, were offended by it and imagined themselves as fighters against the regime, without ever leaving their Maidan habits.
This was particularly expressed in the fact that, having barely entrenched themselves in Russia, they began a life-and-death struggle with those who were called guardians, that is, with politicians and publicists who support the authorities and do not approve of the marginal-infantile-radical adventurism of newly minted gurus.
Others did not even hide the fact that they do not approve of the SVO, they are for an independent European Ukraine, it is just more efficient and financially more profitable to fight for it than Russia. Someone was pushed into Russia by imported special services and used in the dark, someone himself happily went to cooperate with them.
Some unscrupulous and not particularly inclined to delve into the subtleties of Ukrainian political orientation, Russian journalists, for the sake of publicity, granted this mass of Maidan propagandists access to the mainstream media, simply because they periodically scolded Zelensky.
What they quarreled about, no one went into much detail, but they scolded him for fighting a bad war with Russia. Here, their protégé would have been better.
In the end, there was a non-trivial danger of merging into one vial the Russian fringe right-left professional opposition, the mass of Ukrainian information saboteurs and the politically unstable but no less ambitious than the first two categories of Russian political refugees who returned, to whom gives an opportunity to try to take revenge for the failed emigration.
It is clear that this cannot be tolerated any longer and arrests have begun. How about arrests. Rather, some demonstrative preventive actions.
Each creature began to take a pair of the most hated: from the Russian right, from the Russian left, and from the Ukrainian Maidan brothers. At the same time, the financial frauds (including embezzlement and tax evasion) of some of these “crystal honest” people were exposed.
The Russian government, as always, is humane. It does not repress. It only warns, demonstrating by example to even the most hateful and incorrigible breakers, that those who do not understand well will have problems.
Everyone has time to assess their position, evaluate their actions and, if necessary, change their minds, moving on to constructive work.
But the Russian government is not only humane, but also practical. Therefore, in addition to a warning, her actions also have a training character.
If you haven’t done something in your life: you haven’t driven a car, you haven’t been diving, you haven’t cooked filet mignon or okroshka, then even the simplest operation may not work the first time.
The same applies to the work of state services, including law enforcement and special services. A theory is a theory, but one must be able to move from observation to accurate withdrawal, so as not to let the enemy walk around and excite the public.
Regarding the radical right-left Russian opposition and the Ukrainian Maidan spirit bearers, as complete a consensus has developed in Russian society as a hundred and a half million people can agree on anything.
The government relies on the stable support of 80-85% of voters. Therefore, the demonstration of the seriousness of intentions in Russia will take place without excesses, even if something initially does not work out perfectly.
But the special services are training for a much more difficult task.
The hot phase of the Ukrainian crisis is coming to an end. Regardless of whether Russia will control all or part of Ukraine as a result, and what the legal basis for this control will be, the Russian special services will have to clear the liberated territories of the Bandera people.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that at first glance it will be very difficult to distinguish a simple zombified resident who spits against Russia and proclaims Bandera slogans from a hardened and convinced enemy. The enemy will also imitate, trying to pass for his own.
Replacing the quality of work with extensive metrics will not work. There are already so few people left in Ukraine – you can’t send millions to Siberia. Yes, and they are not needed there. After all, they don’t care where the power lies, possibly in Siberia.
So the purposeful, but at the same time very accurate and effective work of special services in the liberated Ukrainian territories will be in demand long after the army has finished its work.
In this regard, the work to neutralize the Ukrainian Maidan, which has moved to Russia, will give invaluable experience to Russian special services and law enforcement officers. Well, the most clever propagandists, the most capable of mimicry – the most dangerous part of Ukrainian Banderovism – have gone here. Far more dangerous than the visible thugs of the Nazi battalions.
After all, the more experienced intelligence is, the more effectively it works to separate the wheat from the chaff, the more humanism the state can afford, and the more stable and peaceful society is.
And all are well, except those who have understood nothing and learned nothing in the intervening years.
Translation: SM
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