Introduction: Transitions in life involve massive learning processes that help people to master important developmental steps, but require a wide range of adaptation efforts (Mackowiak, 2011; Griebel, 2004). The aim of this study is to find out whether sport, as a comprehensive, supportive and positive resource, contributes to individual psychological resilience – called resilience. Question/Method: The question “How do sport and the level of resilience in young people aged 14 to 16 relate to each other?” is investigated using a quantitative survey. Two naturally formed groups of athletes and non-athletes are examined. Results: The results showed evidence of connections between the level of resilience and the three dimensions of sport (intensity, duration, frequency). The evaluation of the data shows a gender-specific difference, which suggests that a gender-appropriate survey of resilience is necessary. New questions are also raised regarding the professional practice of sport, and other aspects of sport are examined. Conclusions: In conclusion, however, it is unclear whether the question can be answered causally using the methodology used. This requires further research and, above all, requires long-term studies, which could not be achieved with the quasi-experimental design.