Thursday started with an online fight between Stefanos Kasselakis and Adonis Georgiadis. The president of SYRIZA on Wednesday evening made a post on the occasion of the visit of the Minister of Health to the hospital of Rhodes.
Mr. Kasselakis spoke of huge problems in the NSS and attacked Adonis Georgiadis. “I went on tour to the Aegean islands for two consecutive years and saw first hand the huge problems of the NHS, the abandonment, the lack of infrastructure, the understaffing, the over-exertion of the doctors and nurses who are fighting alone, without a state. Adonis Georgiadis thought he was going to the Dodecanese for a morning show (“Christo Grafe”) at the hospitals and then sunbathing. He didn’t know the rage that exists. The Waterloo sailor he lives every day is a result of his politics. It’s all his” he said in his post.
June 2023.
May 2024.
I went on tour to the Aegean islands for two years in a row and saw firsthand the huge problems of the NHS, the abandonment, the lack of infrastructure, the understaffing, the over-exertion of the doctors and nurses who are fighting alone, without a state.…— Stefanos Kasselakis (@skasselakis) August 7, 2024
The answer – an invitation from Georgiadis
Adonis Georgiadis responded on Thursday morning to the post made by Stefanos Kasselakis. In it he points out that he chose to have a dialogue with the workers and did not avoid them, he referred to the announcements he made during his presence in Rhodes, while he invited the president of SYRIZA to visit any hospital together.
His related post states: “Mr. President of the Official Opposition seems to resemble Pavlos Polakis even in this: Just as Pavlos often uploads posts against me on Facebook in the middle of the night and I see them in the morning, so Stefanos now does the same every night, but on X.
For his information, yesterday I could have entered the Rhodes Hospital without stopping at the gathered people, but I chose to go and have a dialogue with them, because that is what I think is the right thing to do.
Mrs. President you see in the video was serious in her criticism and then we stayed in the auditorium of the Hospital with several other members of the Association and talked for another hour.
I assure you that the dialogue with them was extremely constructive. From Mykonos, as the unpaid striking workers of Avgi say, everything may seem simple, but the problems are unfortunately more complex and there are no magic solutions.
In fact, yesterday in Rhodes with Mr. District Governor:
- we announced the official start of construction and full operation of the Radiation Therapy Center, a request of decades,
- I announced the start of the process to recruit 50 nurses for the hospital and finally,
- with the Mayor of Rhodes we resolved an important issue for the construction of the new Multipurpose Health Center in Gennadi.
And yes, as long as I am Minister, the problems will not be swept under the carpet, but neither will we be promising fairy tales to the world to fool them.
But what is possible to be done, will be done.
And of course, Mr. Kasselakis is invited to come to any Hospital he wants, let’s go together, talk with the cameras open with the employees about the SYRIZA period and the ND period in the ESY”.
Mr. President of the Official Opposition seems to resemble Mr @pavpol2222 even in this:
As Pavlos often uploads posts against me on Facebook in the middle of the night and I see them in the morning, so Stefanos now does the same every night, but on X.To…
— Adonis Georgiadi (@AdonisGeorgiadi) August 8, 2024
#Online #fight #Georgiadis #Kasselakis #hospitals #Lets