LINZ. It was frowned upon by the Klangwolke, but now the climate city is simply being mocked throughout the year.
Fireworks are controversial. However, according to various investigations and studies, they are not nearly as bad for the environment and climate as is often claimed.
However, renunciations, cancellations and reductions in the scope of events are still very suitable for greenwashing. In Linz, therefore, fireworks will no longer be set off at the Klangwolke – allegedly also due to pressure from a sponsor from the banking industry.
At the Urfahrmarkt there is now only one firework display per event. For environmental reasons, as we hear, but also because of the costs.
For a few years now, however, the event year has been a year in which fireworks have been fired into the night sky. This year, there were two editions of Danube in Flames. A private event by a ship operator who wanted to sell guests tickets for a meal, dancing and a view of the fireworks on his “White Fleet” – three ships sailed.
Until recently, an event in Linz was enough for this. The second event was held in Ottensheim and was treated to pyrotechnics.
Now the event city of Linz has “won” both events and thus another fireworks display with extra loud music is fixed.
In any case, the label “climate city” is increasingly degenerating into a marketing gimmick for patient print media.
🔊 Note: By the way, the loud “music” that lasted for hours in parts of the city and Urfahr yesterday was apparently not part of Donau in Flammen! According to unconfirmed reports, the perpetrators could have been somewhere near the Brucknerhaus.
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