Home » World » Attempts are being made to legalize gay marriage in Bulgaria – 2024-08-09 13:58:42

Attempts are being made to legalize gay marriage in Bulgaria – 2024-08-09 13:58:42

/ world today news/ The Istanbul Convention imposes changes in the behavioral patterns of men and women and guarantees refugee status for persecuted LGBT people. The goal is to be quietly voted on by the New Year.

The Istanbul Convention contains provisions that pose serious risks and adverse consequences for the rights of parents and children, marriage and the family; freedom of religion, national policies on these matters, as well as on internal order and security and refugee policies.

Here are some of the most unacceptable texts in it.

1. Teaching material about “non-stereotypical gender roles” in formal curricula

Art. 14 para.1 “Parties shall take, where appropriate, the necessary steps to include learning material adapted to the developing capabilities of learners on issues such as equality between women and men, non-stereotypical gender roles, mutual respect, non-violent resolution of conflicts in interpersonal relations, gender-based violence against women and the right to privacy, in formal curricula and at all levels of education.”

The adoption of the Istanbul Convention may lead to the study of “non-stereotypical gender roles” such as homosexuality, transvestism, etc. at all educational levels – from kindergarten to universities.

2. Uprooting traditions based on “stereotyped roles for men and women”.

Ch. 1 h. 4 para. 3 Parties shall take the necessary measures to promote changes in the social and cultural patterns of behavior of women and men with the aim of eradicating prejudices, customs, traditions and any other practices based on the idea of ​​the inferiority of women or on stereotypical roles for women and men.

The traditional roles of women and men are accepted as the basis of prejudice and will come under legitimate institutional pressure if the Istanbul Convention is voted on.

3. Encouraging changes in the behavioral patterns of women and men

Ch. 3 Art. 12 para. 1 Parties shall take the necessary measures to promote changes in the social and cultural patterns of behavior of women and men with the aim of eradicating prejudices, customs, traditions and any other practices based on the idea of ​​the inferiority of women or on stereotypical roles for women and men.

Traditional male and female gender roles will come under pressure for behavioral changes in social and cultural patterns – pressures that are currently being called ‘encouragement’.

4. Refugee status for people with “gender characteristics”

Ch. 7 Art. 60 para 2 Parties shall ensure a gender-sensitive interpretation of each of the grounds of the Convention, and when it is established that the persecution feared by the person is on one or more of these grounds, applicants shall be granted refugee status under relevant applicable instruments.

The Istanbul Convention vote will oblige Bulgaria to grant refugee status to any foreigner with “gender characteristics”. In other words, any transvestite in Iran, for example, can get a guaranteed refugee status in our country, since he is persecuted in his homeland because of “gender characteristics”.

5. A permanent monitoring mechanism is introduced

Ch. 9 Article 66 Expert group for action against violence against women and domestic violence

para.1 The expert group for action against violence against women and domestic violence (hereinafter referred to as “GREVIO”) monitors the implementation of this Convention.

Ch. 9 art. 68 par. 1 The Parties shall submit to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe a report on legislative and other measures implementing the provisions of this Convention, drawn up on the basis of a questionnaire drawn up by GREVIO, to be considered by GREVIO.

Ch. 9, Art. 68 para. 4 GREVIO determines the appropriate means for conducting this monitoring procedure. It may, in particular, adopt a questionnaire for each evaluation round to serve as the basis for the procedure for evaluating the performance of the parties. This questionnaire is sent to all countries. The parties shall respond to the questionnaire as well as to any other request for information from GREVIO.

In other words, LGBT activists in our country will get another legitimate position of power to attack the only two sexes – male and female, to attack the traditional family and to impose the homosexual model with the support of the state. Another Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, legislatively supported by the state to work against the citizens.

The goal of the Ministry of Justice, which is the importer of the Istanbul Convention, is to have it voted quietly and without discussion in the Council of Ministers in the remaining few days until the New Year.

The deadline for the conciliation procedure for the ministries expired today, 15.12.2017, Friday, at 16.00

The aspiration is for the Istanbul Convention to be voted on in the Council of Ministers and from there – by the National Assembly next week.

If that happens, we already know the consequences.

#Attempts #legalize #gay #marriage #Bulgaria

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