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Minimum increase in new jobs in Mexico during July

Mexico City. In July, 12,344 formal jobs were created in the country, which is equivalent to a minimum increase of 0.1 percent compared to the previous month and reflected in permanent positions, because 23,787 temporary positions were lost, reported the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

The monthly report indicated that there were 36,131 new formal jobs in July, and the overall figure of 12,344 “is higher than that observed in the last two years.”

The annual measurement of the indicator reports 446,649 new jobs, which represent an increase of 2 percent, but are below the average for the same period of the last decade, which is 554,220 positions.

The monthly report on employment behavior of Social Security indicates that the registry of affiliated workers stood at 22 million 331 thousand 788.

Regarding the sectors with the greatest annual increase in jobs, the IMSS placed transportation and communications at 5.6 percent, commerce at 3.2 percent, and construction at 3 percent.

However, according to information from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the IMSS places the agricultural sector with the greatest loss of jobs with minus 3.3 percent. The sectors with the lowest growth are the extractive industry with 0.2 percent and the transformation industry with 0.3 percent.

The electricity sector reported a 2 percent increase, social and community services 2.3 percent, and business services 2.4 percent.

By federal entity, Chiapas, Hidalgo and Nayarit had annual increases above 4.5 percent.

On the other hand, the states with the largest decreases are Tabasco -10.8 percent; Zacatecas -1.9; Baja California -1.1; Chihuahua -0.8; Durango -0.2; and Baja California Sur -0.1 percent.

#Minimum #increase #jobs #Mexico #July
– 2024-08-08 08:52:00

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