President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed a decree to strengthen disciplinary measures in military education institutions, with measures for both authorities and students.
The update to the regulations of the Military Education Law of the Mexican Army and Air Force punishes with discharge any physical, verbal, de facto or psychological abuse of students.
Likewise, attending the institution while intoxicated or drinking alcoholic beverages on official premises or at official activities is a cause for expulsion.
According to the new sections, the following behaviors are punishable by expulsion:
-Introduce, possess, inhale, smoke, use or ingest any type of narcotic.
-Being in a medico-legal case, consisting of the alteration of health or physical condition.
-Being involved in a “relevant case” that calls into question the image and prestige of the Educational Institution or the Mexican Army and Air Force
-Publish, display, exhibit, distribute, record or disclose photographs or images on social networks of military personnel, inside or outside military installations, in uniform, in civilian clothes or with uniform clothing or accessories that contain unequivocal signs or marks about their military identity, or with corporal, sexual content, real or simulated, that affect, in addition to military discipline, the prestige or image of the Educational Institution or Sedena.
-Having consensual sexual relations within the Educational Institution or where your accommodation has been assigned.
-Carry out acts of harassment and sexual stalking, as certified by the National Defense Committee.
-Have a final judgment imposing a prison sentence.
-Getting tattoos in visible places or on an area larger than 10 x 10 centimeters.
-Performing piercings in any part of the body, with the exception of lobe piercings permitted for female personnel.