Thiruvananthapuram> Health Minister Veena George said 15 people have been diagnosed with amoebic encephalitis in the state and two have been discharged. Seven positive cases were reported in Thiruvananthapuram district. One of these died on July 23. 6 people are receiving treatment at the medical college. The minister said that two people are suspected of having the disease and their samples are being collected and tests are being done.
After the first case, the suspected patients were found during the investigation carried out by the health department. The person who discovered the first case got the disease from the pool. Further investigation was done in this regard. There is a stock of Milty Fosin medication for those undergoing treatment.
The minister said that the health status of those currently receiving treatment is satisfactory Out of the six, 5 are related to the pond and none are from that area. The minister said that more investigations are underway and that all measures have been taken against the disease.
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2024-08-07 12:30:42
#confirmed #cases #amoebic #encephalitis #Veena #George