Bafög plays a very important role in the lives of many students in Germany. After all, some of them would not be able to support themselves during their studies without the money.
That’s why they wait every month for the Bafög to be paid out. But when does the payment actually arrive in the recipients’ accounts? We’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Bafög payment.
Applying for Bafög for the first time: THIS is how long it can take until the first payment
The Federal Training Assistance Act regulates state support for the education of pupils and students in Germany. Bafög is the social benefit that those entitled to receive it can receive because of the law. In principle, the social benefit can be applied for for studies, training or further education. How high it is and whether a pupil or student is even entitled to receive it depends on several factors. These are your own income, the income of your parents, if applicable the income of your spouse or life partner, your own assets and your living situation.
However, you shouldn’t wait too long to submit your first application if you want to have the money in your account in time for the start of your studies. The processing time for a BAföG application from the student union can be between two and three months. This often depends on when the first application was submitted to the respective student union and the accuracy and completeness of the information on the forms and documents.
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Bafög payment: Then you can count on the money
Anyone who uses social benefits to finance their education or studies is dependent on Bafög every month. The time at which the money arrives in their account is also important for many benefit recipients. After all, some bills such as rent often have to be paid at the beginning of the month. But when can pupils, trainees and students expect the transfer?
Anyone hoping that there will be a uniform nationwide regulation with a uniform transfer date will unfortunately be disappointed. Payments are made by the respective state treasuries and are scheduled flexibly.
Payment of Bafög 2024
The Federal Training Assistance Act only states that it is to be paid “in cash, monthly, in advance”. The relevant administrative regulations (VwV) are somewhat more precise. It states: “Payment must be made in good time so that the amount is available to the trainee on the last day of the previous month”. This means that the students and others affected should be able to pay their bills at the beginning of the month. Random checks have shown that the federal states also adhere to these requirements. It is important that the money arrives on time if the end of the month falls on a public holiday or a weekend when the banks are closed. Accordingly, transfers must be made earlier in these months.
You now know when you will receive your Bafög. But what about other social benefits? We will tell you when the housing benefit will be paid out.>>>