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Nature Tour (Font Nappe de Dijon Sud and Cent)

As in previous years, the InterCLE Vouge/Ouche (local authority responsible for managing groundwater from the Dijon South aquifer) is organizing free tours on the subjects of the Dijon Sud aqueduct and the river Cent Fonts and wants to spread this information to as many interested people as possible (posters, municipal magazine, website, social networks, etc.).

Two routes are offered:
Route 1: Cent Fonts car park (Fénay) to the end of the morphological work (Saulon-la-Rue);
Route 2: Pont-Aqueduc des Arvaux (Noiron-sous-Gevrey) to the monastery of Saulon-la-Chapelle.

Route 1 will be a total of 6 km (round trip) and route 2 will be a total of 5 km (round trip), on very flat ground, therefore, it will be accessible to walkers of all ages.

The tours take place:

  • Wednesday 04/10/2024 from 1:30pm – 5:30pm (route 1)
  • Wednesday 05/22/2024 from 1:30pm – 5:30pm (route 1);
  • Wednesday 06/12/2024 from 1:30pm – 5:30pm (route 2);
  • Wednesday 06/26/2024 from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm (route 1);
  • Saturday 09/28/2024 from 9:30 am – 1:30 pm (route 1);
  • Saturday 10/19/2024 from 9:30am – 1:30pm (route 2).

These tours are aimed at both adults and children and will said by a nature guide.

The trip is FREE etc registration is required. Registration takes place on the following website: https://forms.gle/Go9WPEVWbUJcFg4d8or by email: intercle@orange.fr.

2024-08-05 22:17:51
#Nature #Tour #Font #Nappe #Dijon #Sud #Cent

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