Home » World » gmb-2024-342769 : Hoorn – Announcements

gmb-2024-342769 : Hoorn – Announcements


The Mayor and Aldermen announce that they have granted the following environmental permit:

Julianapark, placing graffiti wall at skate park

Sent August 1, 2024

This decision shall enter into force one day after the decision has been sent to the applicant.

Do you disagree with this decision?

Then you can file an objection. In that case, we advise you to contact us first. We will go through the decision with you.

If we cannot reach an agreement, you can send an objection to the board of mayor and aldermen. Make sure that you submit the objection within six weeks after the day on which the decision was sent. This prevents us from not being able to process your objection.

How do you object?

You send your objection to the board of mayor and aldermen. The address is: Postbus 603, 1620 AR Hoorn. You can also file an objection digitally with your DigiD. For this, please visit the website of the municipality of Hoorn.

Your objection must include the following:

• your name, address and, if possible, your telephone number;

• a clear description of the decision to which you are objecting (for example, you can state the date and our reference number of the decision or enclose a copy);

• the reason(s) why you object;

• the date and your signature.

Is someone else filing an objection on your behalf? Please include an authorization.

Preliminary injunction

Filing an objection does not have a suspensive effect. This means that the decision remains in force during the time that your objection is being processed. If you do not want this, for example because the decision has irreparable consequences for you, you can ask the provisional relief judge of the Noord-Holland court to make an interim provision to suspend the decision.

Submitting a request for interim relief is only possible if you have submitted an objection. The address of the Court of North Holland is Postbus 1621, 2003 BR Haarlem. This can also be done digitally with your DigiD on the website of the Judiciary.

If you apply for an interim measure, you will owe court fees. You will automatically receive an invoice for this.

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