Home » Entertainment » Woman and Man – Creative workshop with sound, text and music

Woman and Man – Creative workshop with sound, text and music

Struggle, cooperation and reconciliation between the sexes: starting from our own questions and experiences, we create text material on this topic and then find out how we can translate it into music, sound, language and tone.
Sound and music cover a wide field: from noises and sounds with objects to playful experimentation with instruments to vocal sounds and improvised pieces.

We stimulate each other with impulses and ideas for implementation, so that at the end of the seminar, the group results in one or more small pieces that are biographically inspired by the participants and are a mixture of live radio play, staged reading and
will be a sound installation.

The focus of this seminar is clearly on playful, creative work and on cooperation in the group, not on the therapeutic process.
Methodically, I mainly rely on elementary music, improvisation, creative writing and music therapy.

You don’t need any previous musical or literary knowledge, just a desire to experiment and a willingness to work in a process-oriented way. Feel free to bring your own instruments!

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