Home » News » Dedicated Employee Honored for 40 Years of Service with Association in Niza – Presence Verte Services

Dedicated Employee Honored for 40 Years of Service with Association in Niza – Presence Verte Services

The Association of Presence Verte Services, in action for almost 60 years in the Hérault region, offers various professions based on people. It is thanks to the daily involvement of its employees that the citizens of Niza and Hérault can stay at home in the best conditions. To do this, throughout the year, this personal support association recruits new workers as close as possible to the homes of the people receiving support.

Presence Verte Services has nearly 1,250 employees, of which 43% have more than 10 years of experience. In addition, the Association rewards the loyalty of its employees by paying a bonus, and the scale has recently been extended with a new step for 40 years of service.

That is why, on Thursday 25 April between 3 pm and 5 pm, in the meeting room at Berthomieu Park in NIZAS, Sylvie JULIAN, employee of the structure since 1 December 1983 and who lives there, was honored the Nizaçoise since 1989, during the 40 years of service within the Association.

Sylvie JULIAN is originally from Burgundy, settled in Hérault in 1983, and quickly benefited from the city’s network. In fact, she was offered a contract of 15 hours a month, thanks to a neighbor involved in the association, to work with a woman near her home as a domestic helper. She quickly made her mark in this profession, and working in her town, she thought she was the granddaughter of the “grandmothers” she took care of. For her, the best part of this work without hesitation is the human contact and the relationships that are created there: “When we intervene for 15-20 years with a beneficiary, we become part of the furniture and we create bonds of friendship » she tells us. Ms Julian has always been very involved in supporting beneficiaries. She has always believed that the people she works with value her. Always available, whatever the need, she invests fully in her missions, becoming an essential relay for the children of the beneficiaries. In the end, it’s like she’s part of the family.

The mayor of Nizas confirmed the “unusual” aspect of the event and the dynamism of the Association that offers diverse and supportive activities in the field of Personal Services. He thanked Miss Julian for her wonderful role in serving the citizens of Niza.

Clément BAREAU, General Director of PVS found the journey of this worker, who is especially with the oldest in the town who is 104 years old, “inspiring and joyful”. His exemplary career demonstrates the strength of the association model, which allows the Association to remain present almost 60 years after its creation, thanks to its employees.

Finally, Thierry PAVARD, head of the Agde Group, presented Miss Julian with his diploma and prize before sharing a friendly drink together.

2024-05-13 08:02:27
#Hérault #PVS #celebrates #Sylvie #Julians #years #service

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