The median income of women is NT$3,600 less than the income of men. The Federation of Trade Unions recommends that part-time positions be launched for women to encourage employment.
May 12 is Mother’s Day. . The Confederation of Trade Unions believes that women should only work part-time or low-income jobs for reasons such as taking care of their families. The Federation of Trade Unions wants the government to pay attention to the issue of women’s employment at the population level, to launch part-time positions for women, and to develop learning and after-school support programs.
The Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions analyzed figures from the Department of Census and Statistics and found that the median income of women last year was NT$19,200, which was lower than the total average of NT$20,500. It was also far behind the male median income of NT$22,800; monthly income of NT$10,000 The proportion of women under 1 yuan is also higher than the number of men, with 201,900 and 138,000 people respectively.
Liang Chung-en, vice-president of the Federation of Trade Unions and director of the Women’s Committee, said that traditionally women have to be responsible for childbirth and housework, while at the same time they hope to “get a mosquito for every bite” while juggling work. However, employment depends on family issues If you want to work close to home so you can take care of your children, or even to go home to cook for your children, you need to find a job with shorter working hours.
The median income of women is NT$3,600 less than the income of men. The Federation of Trade Unions recommends that part-time positions be launched for women to encourage employment.
Launch of part-time positions for women
To help more world-class women find work, Liang Song’en believes that the government should more actively promote family-friendly policies and strongly promote flexible commuting hours and home work. The Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions recommends that the government refer to the surrounding cities and lead them in implementing or providing incentives to employers to hire part-time or part-time positions. to introduce suitable for women’s employment, which could not only increase women’s employment. but also improving the labor market.
Kwok Wai-keung, a member of the Legislative Council and deputy director of the Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions, sent flowers to two women at the press conference, he was a little jealous, but he agreed that women will a lot takes care of daily life and food, so they have free time Time is also needed to support the family’s finances and to bring different responsibilities into one. He said that cleaners and security guards are the ones who get the lowest salary. There were 20 female cleaners and only 4 people.
Encourage the development of after-school learning and support programs
Guo Weiqiang said that the competition for childcare service places is fierce, the application criteria are mainly based on family income, and it is only for primary school students. Currently, the government has launched a pilot plan for after-school care services in schools, providing services to 3,000 primary school students and their families. The Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions believes that the authorities should increase the quota and extend it to students in 18 districts and junior high schools so that more local families can benefit. The Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions also recommended that the government increase childcare subsidies for low-income working families to reduce women’s care burden and allow women to have more time to participate in the labor market.
Cheng Anli, deputy director of the Women’s Committee of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that some women wait until their children are at least 3 years old before entering the workplace to care for them. take of young children. with the workplace. She believes that the government should strengthen employment training for women at the local level For example, working from home is currently encouraged, and it can teach how to use video conferencing software it can also provide comprehensive services, such as psychological counseling to help women adapt to the workplace culture.
The original article was published on AM730 Women’s median income is NT$3,600 less than men’s – Federation of Trade Unions recommends sending part-time positions launched for women to promote employment/451814?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=reference
2024-05-10 05:55:06
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