The campaign plays like a slide show on city buses in Malmö, with information that buying sex is illegal in Sweden. The text is in French, Italian, English, Russian and German and is aimed at tourists visiting Malmö during the Eurovision Song Contest.
– There is a risk that this kind of crime increases at this type of event, says Anna Lindskoug, development manager at the County Administrative Board Skåne.
Eurovision song contest 2024
Information sheets have also been sent to hotels, taxi companies and property companies.
Campaign against the purchase of sex during the Eurovision Song Contest
The campaign is run jointly by the county administration and the police in Skåne.
In the slide show, people are urged to call the police on 114 14 if they suspect that someone is being subjected to the purchase of sex or trafficking.
The number for Kvinnofridslinjen, 020 50 50 50, is also communicated in the campaign, with the call to get in touch if you yourself are exposed to gender-related violence or threats.
But what do tourists think of the campaign? In the video, you can hear what Luisa Krone from Germany thinks.