Jakarta –
Marine Science College Cadets (DOT) Jakarta, Putu Satria Ananta Rustika no Rio (19) died allegedly because he was abused by his superior. The parents hope to get justice so that Rio’s death is not in vain.
“For Rio’s case, I also ask for the support of the media to continue monitoring it, so that our family can get the fairest justice so that my child’s death will not be in vain,” said Rio’s biological mother, Ni Nengah Rusmini at the funeral home, Klungkung, Bali, Thursday (9/5/2024).
Ni Nengah Rusmini was grateful that the Minister of Transport, Budi Karya, came directly to the funeral home. He hopes that what Budi Karya said about after Rio’s death will be realized.
“Thank you very much, Minister, for your attention to our family, listening to our complaints. We hope that what was said earlier will come true according to the hopes of our family,” Ni Nengah Rusmini said.
As previously reported, the Minister of Transport, Budi Karya Sumadi, stated thatwas was reported on the Jakarta College of Maritime Science (STIP) cadets’ uniforms. This step was taken to break the chain of patriarchy in the school environment.
“This feature also creates a senior and youth gap. So, next week, we will remove all the effects,” said Budi Karya in Klungkung, Bali, Thursday (9/5/2024).
Budi said the wearing of uniforms would also be regulated. STIP cadets are even required to wear batik on certain days.
“Of course, we will create something more constant, (that is) not every day they wear a uniform. One day they wear white, one day they wear batik, on holidays they spend it freely,” said Budi Karya.
Budi reiterated that dormitory facilities were used for STIP cadets. In the future, only first class cadets and seniors who live around campus will be allowed to live in the dormitory.
“Two other things we may have to follow are that students or cadets in the second year are no longer in dormitories, but boarding houses around the campus as is the case in Ostrada, on on the one hand this will educate them to become adults, but still communicate with the community, said Budi.
2024-05-09 15:08:40
#mother #STIP #cadet #died