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Dengue Fever Cases on the Rise in Bandung, Indonesia: Urgent Call for Community Action

BandungBergerak.id – Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) will increase in Indonesia in the first four months of 2024. The city of Bandung supports it dengue fever cases the highest rate nationally with 3,468 cases. This disease, which is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, mainly attacks children. The government and society must work together to eliminate mosquito nests at the same time.

A resident of Gedebage, Hafiz Azhar, told how his nephew was attacked by dengue fever and had to be hospitalized. “At the beginning of the month of Ramadan, first, my nephew, a one-year-old boy, had fever and cough, he was taken to the emergency room, he was treated for three days,” said Hafidz, 1 May 2024 , to BandungBermobil.id .

A few days later, two more siblings had fever and later tested positive for dengue fever. During that time, almost every child in Hafidz’s family was sick. Their healing took place two weeks later.

After this amazing event, the house of the Hafidz family was visited Office of Public Health Bandung City and smoke were made. “That’s it, someone from the Department of Health came and did it fog,” explained Hafiz

Hafidz does not know where the mosquitoes come from the temples of the Egyptians which is a source of dengue fever in the environment. Until now, he and his family have always maintained cleanliness in their house. “The water and everything is clean and we look after it,” explained Hafiz.

Not only that Hafiz, another resident of Bandung City, Diana, experienced a similar incident. Diana’s two children had to be cared for at home sick with dengue fever.

“Both of my children were hospitalized at the same time 1 month ago with a positive diagnosis of dengue fever,” said Diana, to BandungBermobil.

Diana’s oldest child is in primary school. The symptoms that are felt are fever and dizziness. These symptoms continued until the third day.

“Of course, I’m getting used to not being hot for three days No I’ll take him to the doctor. Just take medicine at home. “But these three days are a little different, the fever is up to 40 high, I’m still positive because I’m in a hurry, maybe I have a sore throat after being taken to the center health, “explained this housewife from Riung, Music Band.

After he was taken to the community health center, his fever continued to decrease. But in the middle of the night at home the child vomited. The next morning Diana decided to take her baby to the emergency room. After undergoing a blood test, his child was diagnosed with dengue fever.

Diana’s child then had to be treated in hospital. He had difficulty getting a treatment room because the hospital was full. The child had to be sent to another hospital. It was only in the afternoon that his son got a room.

The older one was in the hospital for three days. News from home that his son also had a fever. The doctor recommended that your little one have a blood test. And the result was that her baby was also positive for dengue fever.

“I asked the nurse to be treated in one room, but it turned out that I could. “Alhamdulilah, my sister was only treated for five days, and her sister for 3 days,” said Diana.

Diana said that when a child is sick, parents should stay calm and not panic, always be ready and give full attention to their child. Do not forget to take vitamins so that your child’s immune system is good.

Diana also suggested reporting immediately to the local RT or RW so this could be done fog in the home environment. “Minimum efforts are being made to prevent other residents from being affected by dengue fever as well,” he explained.

Read also: The people of West Java are reminded to always be aware of dengue fever
Data on the number of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) cases in Bandung City 2007-2021: Beware of the rising death rate
Bandung Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) Crisis: The highest cases in Indonesia are in Bandung City, most deaths are in Bandung Regency

Black stickers for the simultaneous movement to eliminate mosquito nests are still stuck in dense settlements on the banks of the Cikapundung Kolot River, Binong Village, Batununggal District, Bandung City, Wednesday (14/9/2022). (Photo: Prima Mulia/BandungBermobil.id)

The Government and Citizens must work together to eradicate mosquito nests

The most important thing in reducing the risk of dengue fever is to eliminate mosquito nests. In this case, local governments and residents have the individual roles to work together to protect the environment so that it does not become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Titik Respati, Ardini Raksanagara, Henni Djuhaeni from the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Bandung (Unisba) and the Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University (Unpad) explained that until now there is no effective drug or vaccine to prevent dengue fever.

Actionable programs improve case management to prevent deaths and vector control (mosquito control) to prevent virus transmission. This program requires community participation in maintaining the home environment and surrounding settlements.

In Indonesia, dengue hemorrhagic fever mosquito nest eradication efforts are the main activity of dengue prevention efforts involving community participation. This program has been running since 1992 with the 3M movement, which is Drain-Cover-Bury. In 2000, the 3M trend was improved to 3M Plus by using larvicide, raising fish and preventing mosquito bites.

“Dengue fever prevention and control programs, community participation, and basic sanitation impact (mosquito) breeding sites. “The most effective effort to reduce these breeding places is to provide basic sanitation facilities that the whole community can access in addition to PSN (mosquito nest elimination) efforts that should be done at the same time ,” explained Titik Respati et al. in a diary Bandung Medical Journal (2018).

Titik Respati et al. also, in the last 50 years, the frequency of dengue hemorrhagic fever or DHF has increased 30 times. The world’s vulnerable population amounts to 50 percent of the total population, that is 3 billion people with an incidence of 500 – 100 million per year. Indonesia has been an endemic area for dengue fever since 1968 with the incidence increasing and spreading in the regions.

Titik et al emphasized that dengue fever remains a major public health problem because the spread, intensity and material loss it will cause will increase if this disease is not prevented and eradicated early.

Titik et al also noted that West Java, especially the city of Bandung, has a history of having the highest number of dengue fever cases in Indonesia. In 2011 and 2012 there were 19,663 and 19,739 dengue fever cases respectively in West Java, where Bandung was the city with the highest number of dengue fever cases.

* Friends can read other works from Muhammad Akmal Firmansyah, or other articles about it Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Mosquito

2024-05-09 04:46:58
#Dengue #Hemorrhagic #Fever #Crisis #Historically #Bandung #City #Highest #Number #Dengue #Cases #Indonesia #BandungBermobil.id

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