“The Birds of Holland”
Switzerland won with the song Refrain, sung by Lys Assia. The Dutch entry was by Jetty Paerl. She opened the festival with the song The Birds of Hollanda text by Annie MG Schmidt.
The birds of Holland are so musical
They already want to show off things in their early youth
The blackbird, the thrush and the nightingale
To properly celebrate Lent in Holland
Jetty Paerl. Photo: Amsterdam City Archives / Atelier J. Merkelbach
Jetje from Radio Oranje
The Amsterdam Henriëtte Nanette Paerl, born on May 27, 1921, was more than a sparkling singer and comedian. She was also an England sailor and after arriving in London took up work for Radio Oranje. As Jetje from Radio Oranje, the Jewish Paerl sang classics such as “There is an NSB member on the corner of the street.” The family name remained unknown to the listener because her brothers were still in the Netherlands.
Logo Radio Oranje
The cabaret from England remained for the occupied Netherlands until the occupation became more oppressive and this form of entertainment was deemed inappropriate by the government in exile.
Artistic environment
Paerl grew up in an artistic environment. Her father Joseph was a film producer and worked not only in the Netherlands but also in other places in Europe. Paerl was independent and did not really feel bound by the rules of the time. She drove trucks and was a member of the Women’s Auxiliary Corps.
Survived the war
In 1945, Paerl drove a truck from Rotterdam to Amsterdam without permission to find surviving relatives. Her brothers had survived the war, just like the rest of the family. Many other family members appeared to have been murdered. She died on August 22, 2013.
Corry Broken
Paerl, like the other participants, never knew more about the outcome of the first Eurovision Song Contest than that Switzerland won. The following year Corry Brokken won, who then finished last in 1958.
Corry Brokken, Eurovision Song Contest 1958. Photo: National Archives / Photo collection Anefo / Harry Pot