Home » Business » Energy: The 3 tools to compare electricity and natural gas prices – 2024-05-06 14:04:32

Energy: The 3 tools to compare electricity and natural gas prices – 2024-05-06 14:04:32

Three price comparison tools electric power and natural gas has been made available to consumers by the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy and Water, providing the possibility both for personalized comparisons (according to the profile of consumption, type of supply, etc.) and for overall supervision of the tariffs available on the market.

The ability to compare electric vehicle charging tariffs at publicly accessible chargers has recently been added to these tools.

In particular, electricity and natural gas price comparison tools include:

– www.energycost.gr. On this platform, consumers can easily compare all Electricity and Natural Gas tariffs that are commercially available in the Greek market, stating the characteristics of the supply (domestic, professional, communal, single-phase, three-phase, any inclusion in a Social Tariff). The application based on these characteristics ranks the available tariffs by reducing all charges (competitive and regulated) to a unique final charge price in euros per KWh.

The advantage of this tool is that it also includes charges for network, Utilities, etc. so that the consumer can see the real monthly charge.

The website also has the following features:

– Providing information about additional discounts, benefits, billing methods and contract terms for each compared invoice.

– Ability to compare either individual Electricity or Natural Gas tariffs or Combined products containing both services in one offer.

– Consumers are given the option to select from the available list the tariff they already have, even if it is no longer commercially available, and compare it with any other commercially available tariffs they wish.

In addition, for electricity invoices in particular, consumers can see every month the complete list of all the current available invoices of all Suppliers and the corresponding color markings on the invoices.rae.gr website of the RAAEF.

On this website, consumers can see for each month separately from January when the implementation of the new framework began, the suppliers’ offers for all tariff categories (fixed, floating, special “green” tariff), the discounts that may be offered and the conditions under which they apply as well as the fixed charge. Prices are updated monthly based on vendor announcements of fee changes.

It is recalled that according to the current framework, three types of invoices are available as follows:

* Fixed (highlighted in blue) are fixed-term invoices, with a fixed billing price for the entire contract period.

* Fluctuating (yellow color), are the tariffs, which are linked to the wholesale price on the Energy Exchange. These are divided into two main categories: i. by setting a price in advance of the consumption period and ii. with post-fixing of price.

* Dynamic (orange), which refers to the possibility of dynamic pricing, with different prices – even during the day – based on market prices. A condition for the selection of these tariffs is the operation of a smart telemetered meter in the supply of consumers.

* And the special tariff (green) which facilitates the comparison of prices between providers as the charge price is announced on the 1st day of each month, on the websites of the providers and the Regulatory Authority. Thus, the consumer, household or business, knows, at the beginning of the month, what he pays to the electricity provider, the billing price for the month, and in addition the prices offered by all the other providers.

It is reminded that it remains possible to change the supplier without restrictions or “penalty”, with the exception of contracts with a fixed price for a certain period of time, for which the supplier’s compensation applies in case of premature withdrawal of the consumer.

In addition, the electronic application chargingcost.gr was put into trial operation, which concerns the charging of electric vehicles and includes information on publicly accessible charging points throughout the country, as long as (as provided by the legislation) they are interconnected with the Register of Infrastructures and Electric Mobility Market Bodies of Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

The trial operation of the chargingcost.gr application includes search filters based on the technical characteristics of charging, search based on geographical identification, comparison of results with the basic charging price euro/kWh of charging, mapping of the stations covering the technical characteristics of the vehicle on the map consumer in order to avoid redirection to points he cannot use. Route mode (start-destination with lower prices at compatible charging points) is also included.

Additional functionalities

The full version of the app will go live in June and will contain additional functionalities such as:

Personalized information provision by simply entering the car make

Comparison of Charge Prices based on total charges and incorporating time, tiered and fixed charges.

Personalized search map

Route Support with optimal total charging values.

In the event that a consumer has a problem with energy charges, regulated charges or any other matter concerning the Electricity or Natural Gas Supplier and the respective Distribution Network Operator, they can submit a complaint through the myrae.gr platform.

The complaint is automatically forwarded to the Supplier or Network Operator it concerns, while the information system provides information to the FSA on the progress of the request, which retains the possibility to intervene if deemed necessary.

After completing the examination of the complaint and in the event that the consumer is not satisfied with the answer he received, he has the possibility (as long as he is a domestic consumer), to appeal to the Energy Ombudsman who provides Alternative Dispute Resolution services through the ENOMOS platform.

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Source of RES-EMP

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