Home » Business » Why Local Hosting Should Be Mandatory for IoT Devices: A Sustainable Solution

Why Local Hosting Should Be Mandatory for IoT Devices: A Sustainable Solution

In fact, it should be mandatory from the start to be able to host it locally on these types of devices.

Offering a cloud service to the average user who just wants to use an app on their phone is fine and apparently fine since their smart curtains will be dumb curtains in about 3 years, but there must also be a stable solution. which is not necessarily a false positive.
Set up your system for local hosting and get yourself a cloud instance for a monthly fee. Then it will also be an income model and you will not go bankrupt like you did at get started with a free cloud service with your product. And anyone who turns their nose at “court as a service” can put a Raspberry Pi in a corner somewhere with their own example.

Your product may be integrated into a home assistant within a month with a group of followers and then you will have a large number of new customers immediately.

This is certainly better than companies that do nothing and just say “too bad mate, have fun with your paperweight”, but just offering it in the event of bankruptcy is a bit of malicious compliance in my opinion.

what @Doc also says. As far as I’m concerned, they include local hosting capability in the EU type approval for all IoT devices on the market under the supervision of sustainability. No local example? Illegal in the EU, bye

[Reactie gewijzigd door youridv1 op 6 mei 2024 11:26]

2024-05-06 09:03:10
#Dutch #startup #innovation #Motion #smart #curtains #closing

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