Florian It is a masculine name of origin latinowhose meaning is ‘flor‘. Today, in Spain, 1.712 men celebrate their saint thanks to the San Florian de Lorch.
As we know, this saint was born around 250 in Laurelwhat is the current Austriaduring the empire of Diocletian y Maximilian. He was commander of the imperial army of Bavaria and was responsible for the fire brigades.
In the midst of the fight against Christianity, Roma sent to the consul Aquiline with the aim of accelerating the persecutions against them. He proposed to Florian offer a sacrifice to a Roman deity. To the surprise of everyone present and not present, Florián refused, acknowledging that he himself was a Christian. For this reason he was persecuted and tortured until he was thrown into the river. Enns with a large stone tied around his neck.
Legend has it that, at the same time, a woman called Valeria had a vision of Florian and asked him to take his remains to Poland. On the way, while he was transporting them in a horse-drawn carriage, he stopped at Krakow compared to what is now the St. Florian’s Church. He did not move from there until the decision was made to build a temple in honor of the saint.
In fact, today in pattern of Poland and the firefighters.
This and other saints are celebrated during a May 4th:
Saint Antonina of Nicaea
Saint Cyriaco, priest and martyr
Saint Curcódomo deacon
San Godofredo de Hildesheim
Saint Joseph Mary Rubio Peralta
Saint Pelagia virgin and martyr
Saint Silvanus of Gaza and fellow martyrs
Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Santiago
Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
Blessed Eduardo José Rosaz
Blessed Juan Martín Moyë
Blessed Władysław of Gielniow