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How Much Sun Exposure Do You Need for Vitamin D Synthesis?

Vitamin D, or D3, is a special vitamin because the body produces it when the skin comes into contact with sunlight. However, the amount of time you need to spend in the sun to replenish your vitamin D stores depends on several factors, such as latitude, time of year and day, weather, skin tone, and sunscreen use. . In some cases, standing in the sun is not enough and it is necessary to use supplements.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that you need for good health. It has several important functions in your body, such as helping it absorb calcium and facilitating healthy immune system function by fighting bacteria and viruses.

Your body needs vitamin D for other functions too – the nervous system needs it to send messages between the brain and the body, and the muscles need it to generate energy. It can also regulate and improve your mood and has many benefits for your skin. .

How Much Sun Exposure Do You Need in a Day to Ensure Your Vitamin D Dose

To ensure an efficient synthesis of vitamin D, fair-skinned people are recommended to spend around 15-20 minutes a day in the sun during the warm months (May to September) between 10.00 and 15.00. Those with dark skin should spend a little more time in the sun, closer to 30 minutes a day. In spring and autumn, when UVB radiation is much weaker, this time can be even longer, up to 30-40 minutes per day.

2024-05-04 14:00:01
#Vitamin #sun #exposure #practices #ensure #adequate #intake

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