It has been a week full of emotions The famous Colombian Housebecause since last Sunday, April 28, which was elimination day, the first two celebrities from week 12 nominees on the record
It was a different week because, this time, the celebrities announced face to face and there were special changes that the celebrities who answered the phone on the first days had benefits and penalties of the week. The first to respond was Karen Sevillano, who received immunity and the ability to name someone, in her case she named Mafe Walker.
The next person who answered the phone, last Monday, April 29, was Julián Trujillo who, in his case, had the advantage of voting his double vote in the nomination. And the third person who answered the phone was Isabella Santiago, who, unfortunately, received a penalty and this was, in the nomination, she had three votes against him.
This is how the first nomination stage in the House of Celebrities was experienced
The first stage of the nomination was in the confessional, where each of the 13 famous people announced their vote with one vote for the famous person they thought should be on the record. In this vote, it was Isabella Santiago who received the most votes against him with five votes, followed by Melfi and Alfredo with 3 votes each. Martha Isabel Bolaños received two votes and Sebastián Gutiérrez one vote.
Face to face, the celebrities cast their vote, in this case it was double and there those who got the most votes against Martha Isabel Bolaños, who got in the case here are 12 votes against, followed by Isabella Santiago, Miguel Melfi and Camilo Pulgarín with 4 votes each and finally Alfredo with 2 votes.
These are the elimination nominees on this week’s plate
In this way the nominees and it was left on the plate to be removed Martha Isabel Bolaños with 14 votes and Isabel Santiago with 12 votes, nominated by their peers. At the same time, Angel Diana y Alfredo named by the public since they were
For his part, Pantera named Sebastián Gutiérrez and his argument was strong and he wanted to be loyal to the ‘papillentes’. In this way the entire galactic team was announced.
This is how it will be.
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2024-05-02 03:42:53
#celebrities #nominated #elimination #Celebrity #House