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Nikkie de Jager gives Eurovision points on behalf of the Netherlands


With a real Friesenjung as the Dutch entry in the Eurovision Song Contest, it is inevitable that the points will be awarded live from the far North this year. In Leeuwarden/Fryslân, the birthplace of Joost Klein, Nikkie de Jager gives the points from the Dutch jury this year.

This is the second time that Nikkie de Jager can say ‘Good evening Europe’. She previously did this in 2021 as one of the presenters of the Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. This year no Rotterdam, but on the square at the Oldehove tower in Leeuwarden where, in addition to awarding points, the Eurovision Song Contest is watched together and Joost is encouraged.

Nikkie: “I think it is an incredible honor to be able to award the points on behalf of the Netherlands this year. After a dream came true when I was able to present the festival in 2020 and 2021, there was always one small wish left: the points! Now I can finally say those famous words: “Our twelve points go to…””

This year’s final is on Saturday, May 11. Joost will perform in the second semi-final on May 9 and will do everything he can to qualify for the grand final with his song ‘Europapa’.


Eurovision Song Contest 2024, May 7, 9 and 11 at 9 p.m. at AVROTROS on NPO 1


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