Home » World » The Athens Bar Association voted against the judicial charter – 2024-05-01 11:08:57

The Athens Bar Association voted against the judicial charter – 2024-05-01 11:08:57

With a percentage of 90.14%, the eight thousand eight hundred and twenty one (8821) lawyers of Athens who participated in the referendum organized by the DSA, rejected the new judicial charter for the establishment of six new Courts of First Instance in Attica, promoted by the Ministry of Justice.

Specifically, in the referendum, which was held from last Monday 22-4, until today Monday 29-4, both by ballot in the courts and in the offices of the DSA, as well as electronically:

8821 lawyers voted

  • 7,847 voted against the bill, 90.14%
  • Pro: 858 rate 9.86%

Declaration of Verbes

With a large participation of the lawyers of Athens, similar to that of 2018, in the legislative initiative of the Government at the time, the referendum organized by the DSA for the 6+2 Courts of First Instance in Attica was completed, as provided for in the draft law of the Ministry of Justice to be voted on in the Parliament.

As can be seen from the result, the vast majority of lawyers in Athens expressed their absolute opposition to the multi-division of the Courts of First Instance of Athens and Piraeus and to the establishment and operation of six (6) new Regional Courts of First Instance.

At the same time, he sent a loud message:

A) To all those who proclaim the leveling of lawyers as a final development of any disagreement with the establishment logic. The same logics that presided over the imposition of objective taxation criteria and dictated the anachronistic regulations of the new Penal Codes. ./.

B) To those who were jealous of the “Kontoni glory” and the then inappropriate attempt to divide the Court of First Instance of Athens with the further division into 6 new Courts of First Instance in Attica.

C) To those who dream of limiting procedural rules and guarantees in politics and criminal proceedings and attempt to target lawyers as the main culprits of the delays and bad writings of the Greek Justice.

D) To those who try to discredit our institutional role and make difficult the conditions for the daily exercise of our function.

E) And of course, close to them, to the supporters of this Government choice in the Athens Bar Association. To those who did not have the courage of their opinion, whether they agree or not with this legislative arrangement by attempting to break the unity of the body contrary to what they had done in 2018 and downplaying the importance of the referendum citing pretextual excuses for its non-conduct. Only international observers did not ask to guarantee his inviolability.

The vast majority of lawyers, institutionally and en masse, sent a decisive message. Faithful to the struggles and traditions of the body, it will continue to fight for the dignity of the lawyer, as a co-worker of Justice, to ensure the appropriate conditions for the exercise of his work, to defend the right of citizens to judicial protection, for the Rule of Law.

Today’s result is not a simple number: It is our voice against their sloppiness and arrogance.

#Athens #Bar #Association #voted #judicial #charter

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