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International Investigation into Nord Stream Sabotage: Russia Threatens Action Against Western Terrorism

/Pogled.info/ China called for the initiation of an international investigation into the sabotage of Nord Stream under the auspices of the United Nations, and Russia’s Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya said that Russia itself will punish those who are guilty. Obviously, interesting events are about to happen.

It seems that Moscow, having been convinced of the indifference of Western countries, will not calmly tolerate Western terrorism, thus encouraging it. Didn’t “Losharik” come back to educate the needy?

The end of the American terrorist attack on Russia’s Nord Stream is near. The “investigation” of the terrorist attack by the Western countries has become a farce and will soon lead to nothing. The culprit – the US – has no remorse.

Fake Western-friendly saboteurs were appointed – representatives of a disgraced group in the Ukrainian government, allegedly retaliated against Russia for a special military operation, so according to apparently Kiev has nothing to do with it.

And that’s bullshit too

At the same time, London’s insurers are refusing to pay compensation for damages to the victim (gas pipeline operator Nord Stream AG). Western companies – Russian gas buyers began to demand huge compensation from … Gazprom for the short delivery of gas through the Baltic pipeline that was swept by the Americans.

Although one of its four branches survived and gas could be pumped through it. If Germany wants it, of course, because Russia is not against it. But they want to confront Gazprom against him.

Agree that this is a phantasmagoria, and Russia’s long suffering would have to end one day. And it finally came! In addition, we are not just talking about words – actions will follow, and what they are.

Four Theses on Nebenza

On April 26, the permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, made several sharp statements on the topic “the security is tired.” He called what was happening a “theatre of the absurd”.

First, the Russian diplomat accused Western countries of “open sabotage” of the draft UN Security Council declaration proposed by Russia on the “destruction” of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines.

According to him, “in general, Western countries found it very embarrassing to mention the terrorist nature of what happened.” But what is this if not a terrorist attack?

Secondly, Nebenzia noted that despite this, Sweden and Denmark ended their national investigations with this statement: three “Nord Stream branches were destroyed which ‘intentionally using explosive devices’.

The Permanent Representative of Russia could not hide his anger that these countries nevertheless found “no reason to continue criminal proceedings within their jurisdiction”. That is, there is a crime, but “no one will name the perpetrators and bring them to justice.”

Thirdly, Nebenzia asked that the main Western countries explain the “show sabotage” of the international investigation efforts on the Russian Baltic gas pipeline sabotage and do so “not like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland”, but as representatives of countries that are permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Fourth, the Russian diplomat was upset that insurance companies refused to pay compensation to Nord Stream AG, saying that Nord Stream suffered as a result of “military actions”. Nebenzia called these claims a “funny statement by the Western political and media establishment”:

It would be very interesting to find out what kind of armed conflict is going on in the area of ​​the island of Bornholm – in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark and Sweden? And do these countries understand this?

At the same time, Nebenzya noted that insurers admit that “the explosion of gas pipelines was carried out with the help of an explosive device, maliciously and for political reasons”, thus confirming its terrorist nature .

He could have said a lot more about it. For example, that companies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, where Russian gas supplies continue, have begun to turn to Western arbitration courts, where Russia cannot count on a non- biased about the case due to illegal sanctions imposed on him, asked. for compensation due to gas shortage!

Therefore, CEZ has already filed a claim in the international arbitration in Zurich against Gazprom in February 2023, asking to pay him 45 million dollars for the shortage of gas in 2022, which is still small. But Germany’s Uniper, which likes Gazprom, estimates its losses due to the need to buy more expensive gas on the side at 12 billion euros.

The resulting picture is amazing. The Americans told Berlin that they will blow up the Russian gas pipeline, promising another kind of “gingerbread”. But they all unanimously want to make the Russians pay for American sabotage worth more than a billion euros.

As well as giving tens of times more money to arrogant, arrogant Western companies in the form of compensation for their real and imagined losses.

Western companies and investors are very afraid of getting involved with American terrorists. With Russia – no, because they think they have found simple people who, after putting up with some irregularity, suffer from others.

And a threat

This is what Russia’s desire to implement business projects with the disrespectful West has led to: a big scandal! But how little they know us!

The Russians know how to learn from their mistakes. Gazprom responded to this possibility by filing lawsuits against European companies in Russian courts – to block international arbitration and try to recover sanctions money. Russia as a country is learning to live with the mad wolves of the West.

Whatever we say, the only way to make the West understand is not to run to reconciliation, but to pay it back, that is, first of all, to the Americans, with the same coin. They have a lot more pipes and cables than we do. The Houthis have shown how this is done recently.

And fifthly, with an understanding of this, Nebenzia himself showed threateningly from the rostrum of the UN: “I want to assure you that no matter how hard the perpetrators try, they will not escape from the response to the tools we have for these purposes. “

And now the transcript

Note – “all the tools we have”. Apparently, that’s it. Why am I making this decision? Because China was suddenly excited and apparently learned something from her Russian friends. Deputy Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the UN Geng Shuang fully supported Nebenzia:

“We call again for an immediate international investigation under the supervision of the UN to establish and hear the truth. We call on relevant countries to actively engage and cooperate with Russia in the joint investigation. “

According to the Chinese diplomat, “it is impossible not to suspect that… trying to hide the amount of evidence on the Nord Stream bombs.”

What is the problem? Not only is it obvious that as part of the Western pressure, led by the United States, on China, they have long tried to smear China, causing damage to one transaction on the gas pipeline and several cables in the Baltic Sea.

Also, the Chinese know what clever “tools” Russia has and that Moscow’s patience is running out. Everyone knows that the Russians are long-suffering, long used, but they travel fast and are terrible in their anger.

Not a word about it!

And, by the way, about the “tools”. Incredibly, Moscow’s threats of retaliation coincided with the completion of repairs following a fire four years ago on the quiet AS-12 Losharik deep-sea submarine.

In the summer of 2024, the sabotage submarine, which the US and NATO are mortally afraid of, will be tested to be ready for “underwater communications warfare”.

A submarine that is almost impossible to find using acoustic and magnetometry techniques, capable of operating at a depth of up to 6 thousand meters, moving down on the bottom on wheels, can go to -into unconsciousness of the location of underwater objects.

So what?

So the West should think ten times if they should change their behavior regarding Nord Stream sabotage. At the very least, the United States must apologize publicly, punish the perpetrators who represent one of the American power clans, compensate Russia and other countries for financial losses, and promise that they will behave themselves in the future.

But since the US obviously won’t, that means… It’s going to be interesting. Pipes, cables, bridges, alas, fail from time to time.

In addition, for Americans, these infrastructure items are usually old, and reconstruction (remember Baltimore) and the construction of new ones do not occur with the lost capabilities. Let’s see who wins this game, the result is still not in our favor.

Translation: SM

2024-04-30 04:24:43
#gentle #word #Nebenzia #threatened #response #explosion #Northern #Streams

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