A Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.
Preparations for the microchipping of humanity are in full swing. The biblical prophecy of the “mark of the beast” seems to be about to be fulfilled. It is mentioned in the chapter “Revelation” in the Bible, where it is written that the “mark” will be implanted on the right hand or on the forehead of every person, writes “Trud”.
Progress does not stand still and chipping people from science fiction is becoming a daily reality. People around the world voluntarily implant miniature devices under their skin. But this innovation has many opponents.
They claim the chips will lead to total surveillance and mass leakage of personal data. According to some conspiracy theories, the implanted device can even be remotely detonated and kill its owner.
The debate about the pros and cons of people using microchips continues. On the one hand, the advantages are obvious: with the help of an implanted chip, doctors will be able, without wasting valuable time, to obtain important information about the patient.
In the future, it will even be possible to monitor the vital functions of the body and obtain accurate data in real time.
Chips now make it possible to manage bank accounts and smartphones, pay for purchases and transport journeys, open doors at the office or at home, add gym membership cards and the number of everyday problems they solve is increasing.
But skeptics are convinced that these technologies pose a major threat to the privacy of data on any carrier.
The process is underway
The first experiments with an RFID implant were carried out as early as 1998 by the British scientist Kevin Warwick. He still maintains a positive opinion about the possibilities of implanting chips. The scientist believes that the fears of tracking data about the location of the carrier of the device are not completely justified. The chips can’t track their owner’s movements because they don’t have GPS sensors – they’re too small.
Today, the most people with implanted chips live in Sweden. This procedure began to be carried out en masse in the country in 2018. In the first year alone, more than 3.5 thousand Swedes acquired chips. There are also “chips” in Russia, the USA, Great Britain and other countries.
The microchips, which are implanted under the skin, are slightly larger than a grain of rice – 2 mm wide and 12 mm long. They are a glass capsule in which a microcircuit is inserted. They are implanted between the index finger and the thumb. This procedure is almost painless and leaves no visible marks on the body.
The microchip can be used instead of intercom keys and electronic locks because the device works as a pass. It can replace a travel ticket and bank card. There are also chips containing medical information about an individual.
In emergency cases, they help doctors quickly obtain complete information about the patient: blood type, medical history, anamnesis and the presence of allergic reactions.
Theft of information
Many worry whether the chip can transfer personal data to third parties? In fact, the device is activated just a few centimeters from the reader. That is, even if attackers want to get some data, they certainly can’t do it unnoticed.
The device must be placed close to the hand of the owner of the chip. In addition, it is not possible to read personal data using another chip implanted in a person. Such devices are “passive”; they can only transmit information, but not read it. Therefore, the option to steal information with a handshake or even an accidental touch definitely does not work.
According to one conspiracy theory, there is a possibility that the chip will explode and kill the wearer. But, there is no evidence for these claims. Due to its small size, it is simply impossible to fill the chip with a sufficient amount of explosives or other substances, as well as to equip it with a detonating device.
Like any technological device, a microchip can be damaged. However, this does not pose any danger to its owner. In case of damage, it can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.
Since the number of people implanted with microchips is not yet very large, no reliable research can be done on whether they can possibly cause cancer. So far, no such cases have been registered. However, Kathryn Albrecht conducted a study on mice from which she concluded that the chips directly affect the appearance of tumors.
However, the scientific community rejects her theory as it is considered unproven. To date, the link between the development of cancer and microchips has not been confirmed.
In the form of a vaccine
Is it possible to introduce a chip under the guise of a vaccine? Specialists are convinced that this cannot be done. Swedish-style chips cannot be inserted with a regular needle due to their size.
As for the smallest devices developed so far, only 5 nanometers long, it just doesn’t make sense to introduce them to people for anything.
They can only carry one bit of information, which is clearly not enough even for everyday actions like cashless payment and opening a front door. This volume is not sufficient to transmit other data. Furthermore, it is impossible to integrate any of the known power sources into such chips without increasing their size. This again proves that it is impossible to put under the guise of a vaccine with an ordinary needle.
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