Home » Business » Employment continues to rise and unemployment hits its lowest level in March: Inegi

Employment continues to rise and unemployment hits its lowest level in March: Inegi

Mexico City. Until March, the employed population in the country continues to increase, with a greater boost coming from the creation of jobs in the secondary sector of the economy, with which the unemployment rate was at its lowest level since records began. , at a level of 2.3 percent, show official figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

According to the National Occupation and Employment Survey (Enoe), the employed population in the country reached 59 million 818 thousand 274 people in March of this year, an increase of 414 thousand 335 jobs when compared to the 59 million 403 thousand 939 reported the immediately previous month, that is, February.

Compared to March 2023, there was an increase of 799,994 jobs, since at the end of the first quarter of last year the employed population reached 59,18,280 people, according to the data.

The above led to the unemployment rate standing at 2.3 percent, a lower level compared to the 2.5 percent reported last February and the 2.9 percent that was registered in January of this year.

According to Inegi, when distinguishing by sex, the employment of men was 35.5 million people, an increase of 539 thousand people compared to what was reported in March 2023, while for women it was 24.3 million, that is, 261 thousand more than in the same comparison period.

Of the total number of employed people, he emphasized, 41.6 million or the equivalent of 69.6 percent operated as subordinate and paid workers when occupying a position or job, which represented an annual increase of one million people.

In turn, 13 million people or 21.7 percent worked independently or on their own without hiring employees, which translates into a decrease of 135 thousand fewer people compared to March 2023.

For their part, 3.1 million or 5.3 percent were employers or employers, a figure that amounted to 49 thousand people, while 2.1 million people or 3.5 percent worked in businesses or on family plots, that is, They contributed directly to the production processes, but without an agreement for monetary remuneration, which meant an annual decrease of 118 thousand people.

ENOE figures indicate that 26.5 million people were concentrated in the services sector, which is equivalent to 44.4 percent of the total; in commerce they were 11.4 million or 19 percent, while in the manufacturing industry there are 10.3 million or 17.2 percent.

Meanwhile, in agricultural activities there are 6.2 million people or 10.4 percent, in construction the figure reached 4.6 million or 7.7 percent and in other economic activities—which include mining, electricity, water and gas supply— there are 424 thousand or 0.7 percent.

The Inegi pointed out that 352 thousand people or the equivalent of 0.6 percent did not specify their activity.

“Compared to the same month in 2023, the sectors with the greatest increase in their employed population were: manufacturing industry, with 376 thousand people; professional, financial and corporate services, with 300 thousand and government and international organizations, with 243 thousand,” he emphasized.

The strength of the labor market has been highlighted by different private sector organizations, such as bankers, who declare that the increase in the employed population has allowed household consumption financing to be at its highest levels.

The Inegi also reported that in March 2024, the population employed in informal labor was 32.5 million people.

#Employment #continues #rise #unemployment #hits #lowest #level #March #Inegi
– 2024-04-27 21:56:33

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