Home » World » 54-Year-Old Man in the United States Pleads Guilty to Repeatedly Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Girl, Causing Pregnancy: Details

54-Year-Old Man in the United States Pleads Guilty to Repeatedly Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Girl, Causing Pregnancy: Details

Reporter Sun Jiangjun/Complete Report

A 54-year-old man in the United States sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl again, causing her to become pregnant in the United States.

Photo of criminal Sullivan. (Photo/reproduction from Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office)

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According to CBS reports, 54-year-old Glenn Sullivan Sr. pleaded guilty to four counts of second-degree rape on the 17th. In July 2022, a young woman in Livingston, Louisiana, went to the local police station to report to the police, claiming that she had been sexually assaulted by Sullivan several times when she was 14 years old. age and she became pregnant. After DNA testing, it was determined that Sullivan, 52 years old at the time, was the suspect.

“Many of these cases go unreported because of fear,” said Senior District Attorney Scott M. Perrilloux in the release. Having the courage to tell the truth in times of crisis is incredible.”

On March 8, 2017, Americans participated in the Women’s Day march. (Photo / Unsplash)

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Under a 2008 Louisiana law, men who commit certain rape crimes can be sentenced to chemical castration, or they can choose to undergo physical castration. Perry-Lux said Sullivan demanded that he be physically stripped. According to the law, this procedure is done by a state correctional unit, but it cannot be done earlier than a week before the end of the criminal’s sentence. This means that Sullivan will not be euthanized until a week before the end of his 50-year sentence. By then, he will be 104 years old and may have died and cannot be euthanized.

“Sex crimes against youth are among the most serious crimes we prosecute,” Assistant District Attorney Brad J. Cascio, who handled the case, said in a news release. -all the tools that the Legislature is willing to give us, including corporate surveillance, to seek justice for the children of our neighborhood.”

“Zhongtian cares about you|Reject sexual harassment and sexual violence, respect your body independence, please be brave enough to say no”
◆ line of defense: 113/110
Women’s Rescue Foundation: 02-2555-8595
◆ Today’s Women’s Foundation Sexual Violence Prevention Team: 02-7728-5098

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2024-04-26 11:32:03

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