Home » World » Recall of fresh pasta by EFET – 2024-04-26 19:42:51

Recall of fresh pasta by EFET – 2024-04-26 19:42:51

Regarding the circulation on the Greek market of fresh pasta, originating in Italy, which may contain peanuts, due to cross-contamination of the raw material, while it is not indicated on their labelling, EFET was informed through the Early Warning System for Food and Animal Feed (RASFF) .

This is the product with the foreign language sales name “Girasoli vegani spinaci e anacardi 250×6” and the trade name “Bertagni Plant Cuisine”.

The Greek sales name of the product is “Fresh Pasta with spinach and cashews”, while the consumption dates on which the problem was found are: 28/4, 5/5, 12/5, 20/5, 27/5, 3/ 6 and 10/6.

The product is sold by the company “ALFA BETA VASSILOPOULOS MONOPROSSOPI SA”, which has already withdrawn it from its stores.

EFET calls on consumers who have already purchased the product and are allergic to peanuts not to consume it.

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