/View.info/ Hello legitimator**,
I hope you have a nice and joyful day today. Well, at least it is sunny and nature tirelessly lives in its sanctity and has not yet died laughing at human stupidity. I don’t know why today the words of Albert Schweitzer*** live in me, who, when asked “what is the problem with people”, simply answered – “well, they don’t think”. This immediately leads to Descartes’ “I think, therefore I exist” and from here to the logical conclusion – I do not think, therefore I do not exist. No, I don’t want to spoil your lovely July day, legitimator, but let’s talk, shall we?
The Bulgarian state has existed for 1400 years. The pyramids are 6000 years old. The ancient Persians, to whom we owe the Arabic numerals and much wisdom – thousands of years old. The Mexican pyramids, the Great Wall of China … Do you realize, legitimator, how much history and lives are deeply buried in the past. Why am I talking about the past? Simple – your consciousness, legitimator, your self-esteem comes from there to be here today. I can’t stop looking for the answer to the question, where is your self-esteem, legitimator? Life is not worth a lighter or a t-shirt with the image of Souleux or Poulet, nor a cube of wood for the winter. Well, you are a unique entity, part of a consciousness that builds if it is awake and obeys without a murmur if it is asleep. Do you understand, Legitimator?
Today, Bulgaria has a new parliament, elected by 40% of all people with the right to be legitimators. There were discussions in the studios about how responsible the legitimizer was for the selection. However, the question arose, if the legitimator is responsible for the election of the legislator, then why is the legislator not responsible for the way he votes on the laws under the Constitution? About 12% of these 40%, which legitimized the 46th National Assembly, were not reflected by the 240 seats in the parliament. About 1.7% – said a short and clear “NO” to everyone. Imagine now, legitimator, if there was another box in the “I represent myself” ballot, which would give you the right to participate with the right to vote in one of the parliamentary committees?! Not as an expert, not as a civil association, which parliamentarians allow out of kumuva shame, but as a real participant. Can you imagine, legitimator, having real democratic rights. To be able to say no to made-up conventions, no to made-up enemies and friends, no to laws unworthy of people, subordinating our daily lives with contributions, fees, dependence, unfreedom, pseudo values and racketeering. Yes legitimator you could. Do you remember Gandhi, legitimizer? So he, with his goat and his gentle tale, determined the development of colonial slavery in India. How? With self-confidence and kindness. With peaceful disobedience to all that which is not of and for the people who have it. Simple, ingenious, bold. Gandhi was not a legitimizer. He was a free man. Maybe like all those 60% Bulgarians who did not want to support any party. And why should they support her? So they, the parties, give out lighters, present pre-election flowers on public holidays, smile from the posters and take pictures with the poor, spit on and judge their other “colleagues” and in the end build a dead end together with them1. They are not a road. They are stop. And when, legitimator, after the hour of the election, they appear on television to speak, the truth finally shines. Ha, there are no decent people among the people who live here, huh! Only graduates in the West and more precisely in the USA (a 252-year-old country with a precise sense of money organization, brain output and game power) are worthy. They are young, beautiful, like ballerinas, they participated in the organizations of Western capitalists, in whose mother tongue the word for value is the same – value. But you know, legitimator, it is also written in the Bible – whoever frees you becomes his slave. Yes… The line is not clear, it is transparent, but shared out of time – after legitimization, not before. Anyone surprised?! Probably yes. Someone said – “you can’t stop me from loving you”, or translated into political language – you can’t stop me from supporting you. And so the government of the TV presenter, who graduated from a university in the US, with an average age of 35, will be supported by those parties that keep their Euro-Atlantic promises. Promises that for you, legitimizer, I don’t know what their exact value are: do they bring you joy, electricity (with 20% agreed profit), water (with agreed profit), food (with GMOs), art (with violence), security ( through disarmament), vegetables (imported), meat (imported), medicines (which you must not live without), cosmetics (without which you cannot go), telephones (without which you are not technologically drugged) and various other things? Do they bring you faith in the future, self-respect, do they support the self-esteem of your family and homeland? But take it easy. As the TV presenter said – the priorities are for a short period of time: kindergartens – Fandakova’s problem. Laugh! Well, this is a solvable problem for 30 minutes of thinking if there is a will; roads – Boyko’s problem. Laugh! Well, this has been a political concept for 12 years; Eradication of corruption – the problem of political orators and campaigners, with no real intentions to solve it. Laugh! How exactly? A fight over the dead dog and then a feast without him at the official table?! What I wished, if there is such a people, they had other perspectives in their plan. For example – restoring the publicity of the alphabet to that nation that has it?! I’m tired of everything being in Latin. This nation has letters and a font, and whoever cannot read or print them, learn them! If there is such a people, then they will place the perspective not on tablets (borrowing from a sadly remembered ex-politician), but on the socialization of children, why the competencies to click on devices and perform routines are idiotic challenges. The Bulgarian people do not deserve brainlessness, but knowledge. Knowledge is not information from the televisions in which the Synopticum3 explains what, how and why. The knowledge is there significant spiritual dimension and many people studied here, lived here and own it. This prevents, of course, any spotlight on the mass “truth” about true values and dangers. That is why there is no program perspective for some dose of spirituality. Globally, consumer values are allocated to convenience, about which the philosopher Jubram is categorical: “Convenience kills the soul and laughs at its burial.” This nation that has it is not very comfortable, that’s why it is still alive. But you see, an important need for his self-esteem is to have two astronauts at NASA. Laugh. Bulgaria was a space pioneer country, with two cosmonauts 40 years ago4. What is the perspective of the “other scenarios” for which the time has come? Euro-Atlantic people with Euro-Atlantic hearts to think about the eastern people of Bulgaria. Well done! Everything will be in stars – yellow or white, it is important that there are no red ones. Laugh. Look up to the sky and see the stars of this nation that has it! They are glamorous! In the perspectives read by our familiar silent presenter and singer, surrounded by ballerinas, smoke, smoke and a spiritual corner, the emptiness gapes. So, legitimator. As it was said in an English play the king died, long live the king. But the king is naked, and your steed, my people, is headed for the UNESCO World Heritage List with a 7/8 bar in a chalga arrangement and neglected embroidery, replaced with the values of the dying-of-shame rainbow5, injected between the colors with a mandatory vaccine from the European Commission. You will probably sing, legitimator…”I must have been very bad in my previous life!” for Tsar Simeon, for Tsar Ivan Asen, Tsar Peter, for …. Botev, for Levski, who had the self-confidence to legitimize their homeland and that is why they are still legitimate today. They had the self-confidence to raise and lead the choir of this nation, which today still has it. Eh, legitimator, … and you could be legitimate, but that requires courage, courage not to listen to what the law of the 240 chairs says, but what the law of the people’s heart says. And while you are still there, consider, legitimator, who you are and where you are going7.
Be healthy!
* There are 240 seats allocated in the National Assembly.
** Voters legitimize the legislator, but they do not have the right to remove him from power, therefore they are simply legitimators.
*** Doctor, philosopher, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
1 Dead end street
2 A higher education institution similar to universities in Bulgaria and everywhere in the world.
3 Concept by Z. Baumann, which is a new level of Foucault’s Panopticon. The synopsis is for everyone to watch what the elite say and do and desperately want to emulate them.
4Georgi Ivanov and Alexander Alexandrov
5 The rainbow, which is a Divine symbol, is today a symbol of the non-heterogeneous. Nowadays it is accepted, it is written in wikipedia, that anyone who dares not to accept the stolen symbol as a symbol of non-heterogeneity or refuses to protect any required by this type of people is a homophobe, that is, afraid of man. And while the politicians are dealing with the new values of the new meaning of the rainbow, 1.4 billion people are dying of hunger and the remaining nearly 70% of humanity is just somehow existing.
6 A famous song performed by the singer Slavi Trifonov, in which the lyrical hero regrets that he wasted love.
7 The Bulgarian has another mission and that is why even if he enters slavery, he gets out.
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