(ANSA) – TRIESTE, APR 22 – “We have increased the investments of the United States in Friuli Venezia Giulia by 37 million euros, therefore there is a greater decided interest from the USA towards the Fvg, I believe that it is a path that we must continue to follow build over the years”. This was stated today in Trieste by the president of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, upon returning from his mission to the USA. “It is no coincidence that my presence several times in the United States – explained Fedriga, on the sidelines of a ceremony – aimed precisely at this. In the past I have seen institutional missions that touched some parts of the world and then translated only into visits of courtesy. One must put effort into it, know that there is consistency in the relationships, continue to build and develop. I also hope that whoever comes after me will be able to continue a strategic relationship with the USA.” Some companies were also part of the Region’s delegation, which, as pointed out by Fedriga, “created excellent interest also by making known a reality that is not very well known in the USA. Everyone looks at Italy, but then in the traditional story there are Milan, Rome, Florence, Naples. Instead, the strategic nature of the Fvg was also explained by the protagonists of the business world, also from a logistical point of view. We reported that our market is the heart of a strategic European area such as the Centre southern Europe and this has created a lot of interest. I am convinced that good opportunities can develop from this too.” Fedriga then referred to the institutional meetings in Virginia, “one of the main ports on the East coast”. “The entire US market penetrates from the East Coast – he concluded – so we are very interested. Then we are working on the agriculture part: they intend to develop the entire wine sector and we can be important suppliers”. (HANDLE).
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– 2024-04-24 05:36:04