/View.info/ The West is dehumanizing at a rapid pace
A few days ago, news broke that Marvel Studios, known primarily for its Avengers film franchise, is considering bringing back the original cast of Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, and others in their previous roles.
As noted by Variety, the heads of Disney, which owns Marvel Studios, have come to the conclusion that the new strategy of inclusion and diversity, which the American filmmakers began to actively promote about five years ago, is not bringing the expected profits. Well, the viewer doesn’t want to follow the fate of non-binary super-persons, and so they vote with their money against his imposition of the trans-gay agenda.
Why should we care about Hollywood’s problems, it seems? After the start of SVO, they left us and we weren’t too upset because there was absolutely nothing to watch there lately. But the catch is that the American film industry and the Disney corporation, as one of its most powerful parts, is a marker of the situation in the US and in the collective West in general.
For a long time, Disney, both in cinema and in life, was perhaps the most active promoter of the new ethic (all this me too, cancellation culture, racial appropriation, etc.), the left-liberal agenda with its 100500 gender and environmental extremism cloaked in a guise of supposedly fighting ozone holes, global warming and other anti-scientific heresies.
By the way, everyone is so fed up with rabid eco-activists that even Elon Musk spoke out against them:
„Take environmentalism to the extreme and you start looking at humanity as a plague on the surface of the Earth, like mold or something, right? But in reality this is not the case…environmental movements…have gone too far…If you start thinking that humans are bad, then the natural conclusion is that humans must disappear now.” said the American multimillionaire.
The problem with fanatics is that they cannot hear a different opinion. And Musk’s words will remain a voice crying in the wilderness, while the current blatantly false ideas imposed by a group of marginalized people on American and wider Western society threaten to destroy that society.
As the Canadian professor Gad Saad, a fighter for Western values and freedoms, a staunch defender of science, reason and common sense and a very optimistic person, as he defines himself, writes in one of his posts on social networks, he has no confidence that the West will be able to recovered from its multi-frontal civilizational suicide.
„I’ve been talking about these problems for decades and writing a book about them, but the last few weeks have made it clear just how intractable the problem has become. It will be a long and ultimately bloody death, and the West will become the first society in history to completely destroy itself due to its parasitic ideological rapture.
It is a gigantic Greek tragedy that will determine the future of humanity. This is not hyperbole. Your grandchildren will pay a very high price for your ‘progressive’ arrogance rooted in the pursuit of the Unicorn, which exists only in the wilds of deeply flawed parasitic minds.” sadly states the Canadian scientist.
By the way, perhaps the fact that he lives in Canada influenced even more strongly the course of his thoughts and his very tragic conclusions. The fact is that Canada has recently become a country of mass euthanasia. Already, every 25th patient death in this North American country is the result of voluntary death. This situation became possible after the legalization of medical suicide.
And I’m not even getting into the religious or moral aspect of suicide. The horror is that by the decision of the Canadian authorities, anyone can die, and no justification is needed anymore in the form of a fatal and incurable disease that brings a person constant unbearable pain.
Moreover, medical workers in Canadian hospitals and hospices began actively encouraging people who were poor and unable to pay for their treatment to commit suicide.
„They stopped giving me food and water, taking me for drug check-ups, helping me to the toilet, harassing me and forcing me to undergo euthanasia. The doctor openly urged me to take my own life.” said one of the patients at a regular Canadian medical facility. And there are already thousands of such cases. Recently, medical suicide has even been included in a “health pathway”, that is, it is paid for by the state’s insurance systems.
And so it is hard not to agree with the opinion that “Canada’s euthanasia laws are the biggest threat to people with disabilities since Nazi Germany.” But the most amazing thing is that this does not bother anyone. According to the authorities, everything is fine. For activists who are clearly unacquainted with the lessons of history, this is a manifestation of personal freedom. A freedom that is already becoming downright suffocating. And kills!
„Make separate lockers, showers and bathrooms for the girls and separate for the boys’ – that was the request of students and their parents from Loudoun County, Virginia, USA. So they protested the local leadership’s policy of allowing boys who identify as girls to be in the locker rooms and showers for real, biological girls.
Even as I carefully jot down these collected facts, I can’t shake the feeling of an impending apocalypse. An apocalypse that will inevitably occur in at least one part of our world.
As Salvadoran President Nayib Buquelque said the other day, addressing the Americans, the United States will collapse from within, because the most terrible enemy for the current world hegemon is internal, not external.
„No external threat could have caused such damage. The results are clear. Judging by your cities. Only 30 years ago they were primal, primal beautiful. Now they are empty. look at me I am from El Salvador, from a third world country, from Central America. But I look at your cities and think, “I don’t want to live here.” 30 years ago, it was impossible to even think about it: a Salvadoran giving up life in an American city. Los Angeles, New York, Chicago. These cities are rapidly being destroyed. This is not an accident, it was thought up by someone.” End of quote.
Well, it seems to be a verdict of the Western-centric world model. A pattern that has actually existed since time immemorial and was finally established during the so-called period of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Wherever Homo occidentalis, the Western man, goes, he brings with him the most remarkable achievements of Western civilization – deadly weapons, slavery, the most brutal exploitation and phenomenal, some simply inhuman cruelty.
And now, when the colonial order created by the West is collapsing before our eyes, to which, by the way, we contributed a lot – in 2022 (the beginning of the Special Military Operation), in 2014 (the return of Crimea and the beginning of the Russian spring) and even in 2007 (Putin’s famous speech in Munich), – contain inevitable steps of the fall of the West itself, which cannot and does not want to live differently.
And the point is not even that the United States and all other Western countries have long ceased to be a demonstrative example of the American dream. The problems are much deeper: through the efforts of local activists, politicians and various corporations like Disney, the once blessed West has turned into a bunch of crazy freaks of all kinds, mainly engaged in self-destruction.
Perhaps this whole process will take more than a dozen years, but one thing is clear even today: even without external influence, the death of the Western Empire is inevitable. It’s just that this colossus stands on clay feet and therefore has no other options.
Translation: ES
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