TIMISOARA. Doctors in Timisoara are facing the first cases of Human Parvovirus (also known as Palm Cheek Disease or Erythema Infectious) this year. This is a highly contagious condition, which is transmitted through the air, through direct contact with the respiratory secretions of an infected person, saliva droplets or nasal secretions, or by touching contaminated objects.
The disease is caused by PV 19 (Parvovirus 19). The incubation period is between 4 days and two weeks, this is the time between when a person is exposed to the virus and the onset of symptoms.
“The disease affects especially children and is more present in the spring and autumn. It is also called the fifth disease among childhood diseases, and this is because it is one of the most common viral events in children, after measles, scarlet fever, rubella and mumps. and, even if it is specific to infants or school-aged children, there are more and more cases where adults are infected. And in their case, it can cause problems, even big ones. In pregnant women, it can cause spontaneous abortion or affect the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy“, Prof.
Symptoms of Human Parvovirus can vary and can include fever, skin rashes, nasal congestion, headache and joint pain, especially in the “small” joints, fatigue and sometimes a sore throat. The condition is diagnosed by identifying the antiPV-19 IgM antibodies in the laboratory.
“A characteristic of this condition is the erythema that appears on the face, that is the redness of the cheeks. It is as if the patient has been beaten. Hence the name of the condition, Palm Cheek Disease. It must be said that it is a very contagious disease. For example, if in a class, a student or, in a kindergarten, a child gets an infection, in a few days most children will go through the disease. Fortunately, in children, the disease is mild and usually resolves without major problems. However, in adults, temporary plastic anemia can occur, a decrease in the number of red blood cells“, said Prof.
In most cases, Palm Cheek Disease goes away on its own and does not require specific treatment. However, administration of antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs can help manage the symptoms. in severe cases or if there are associated complications, hospital examination and treatment may be required.
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2024-04-23 06:25:00
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