Home » News » The revenge of a mad Europe must be prepared in advance – 2024-04-21 17:30:48

The revenge of a mad Europe must be prepared in advance – 2024-04-21 17:30:48

/ world today news/ On Saturday evening, Finland will close four checkpoints on the border with Russia. Instead of active movement of people and goods back and forth, there will be only two gaps, which the Finns call “Sala” and “Vartius”.

They are practically not used for cargo, and one has to crawl through these holes on foot: previously it was forbidden to enter cars from Russia, and recently the ban was extended to bicycles.

If the Finns ban cycling in November, it means they are in a hurry. It was originally planned for January.

Officially, all this is explained by the influx of migrants from the global south, who, arriving in Russia, then try to enter the EU through the land border with Finland. But this interpretation caused bewilderment among our diplomats and border guards, and the Finns are somehow reluctant to describe the size of the “invasion”: when specific figures appear, it is about several dozen people.

Greek and Italian border guards, who deal with thousands of illegal immigrants every day, would laugh in the face of the Finns.

In fact, they could not engage in bicycle comedies and say it in a straight text: we want to fence ourselves off from Russia – and the stronger, the better. It’s as if the Finns are afraid that after an honest confession we will dissuade them.

In the last two years, our neighbors (supposedly enlightened Europeans with a high civic culture and faith in the ideals of human rights) have given free rein to their baser instincts. In relation to Russia, Europe is a vulgar racist, creating problems for people based on their origin or grossly humiliating them.

Something unprecedented: even the European Parliament passed a resolution (non-binding like all its resolutions) calling for an end to the practice of confiscating personal belongings from Russian citizens under the guise of sanctions. “Even” – because the European Parliament has always taken a more anti-Russian position than the European Commission and the governments of the EU countries (except the Baltic ones).

A fantastic debate about whether the Finn can take away the smartphone from the Russian is taking place in the high offices. The border guard will cut the wooden buttons of the newly purchased jacket because the sanctions prohibit the export of wood, and a kindergarten teacher will force the child to do ten squats for every Russian word.

However, it is not about Finland, but about another country from the EU – Latvia, but many countries from Eastern Europe have a common vector: drilling the bottom. It is worth preparing for the fact that the European Union will throw grandmothers through the barbed wire straight into the Russian snowdrifts, because they did not learn the Latvian language and kept Komsomol badges in boxes in the attic.

Let’s not be fooled by explanations that the ban on bicycles and buttons somehow helps Ukraine or harms the “organizers of aggression.” From the very beginning, the Europeans were driven by neglect: perceiving the Russians as a civilizationally, economically and culturally weaker community, they wanted to hear how we would howl in pain without them.

Now there is more to their actions than good old fear, after the bets on the “ASU counteroffensive” and the collapse of the Russian economy have failed. Europeans isolate themselves because they are afraid. They believe that the Russians will not forgive the brutal treatment of them.

And they are right: this should not be forgiven. The set of our moral obligations to the European Union has been reduced to a minimum: refusing to support its mortal enemies, for example, no longer fits into this set. Revenge for revenge’s sake, however, is a destructive path: it is important not to succumb to the very base instincts that plunged Europe into self-destruction.

Sanctions are basically self-defeating. Inflation, the energy crisis, industrial decline – all these are consequences of the attempt to “isolate Russia”. But at the same time, Europeans are systematically shooting at their own people, both at other Europeans who are connected to Russia and at those Russians who continue to be connected to Europe.

It is unlikely that the “Ahmat” battalion planned a bicycle march to Finland. Rather, it is the path for the St. Petersburg political émigré, whose exhibition was closed due to LGBT propaganda.

But still there are mixed families. There are situations when there are parents in one country and children in another. There are many special cases, each of which is someone’s destiny. But Europe spares no one: self-destruction is more expensive.

It is not like this where we are. All these people whose lives are connected with Russia, but not only with Russia, are the main obstacle to take revenge on the Europeans for their antics in some mirror way. We do not want to harm ourselves and our own – to sink to what Europe has sunk to with hatred towards us.

If so, the problem must be solved from the other side – by developing a mechanism that allows us to separate our enemies from our enemies and the goats from the lambs.

In this sense, the introduction of a certain “Russian card” – an analogue of the “Polish card” which was introduced by Poland – was late. At the first stage it does not give any rights, but it is important to have just in case and can be issued online secretly by local authorities.

Such a “map” is the basis on which, if necessary, everything can be quickly upgraded. The digitization of services, which first covered Moscow and then Russia, may spread throughout the “Russian world”, albeit in a shortened form. It’s a necessity, not a whim.

We cannot predict what else will occur to the sick European head. We don’t know what circumstances will suddenly arise that we will have to separate “ours” from “theirs,” but it could become a matter of life and death.

And if it doesn’t, if we’re all a little more lucky, the “card” can be used, for example, to ensure that its owners cross the Russian border as usual, and “theirs” (Latvians, for example) – only naked and squatting.

Whatever the idea, a mechanism is needed first, and then we will see how Russian creativity will overthrow the arrogance of the “civilizers”. We have few obligations towards them.

True, there is also a conscience and an understanding of decency. We’ll let them leave their pants on and keep their buttons.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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