Home » Business » OAKA 2.0: Competitions for the few and “elite” – 2024-04-21 10:42:48

OAKA 2.0: Competitions for the few and “elite” – 2024-04-21 10:42:48

Three specific interested parties were notified of the otherwise “public call for interest” by the procurement department

What we knew until now is that in the microcosm of OAKA, a number of everyday issues are, or seem to be, in the… gray zone. Recently, however, there have been increasing protests regarding the procedures followed in the procurement and public tenders concerning the Olympic facilities. Where public money is traded and everything must be absolutely legal and clear.

Last January, the procurement department of OAKA proceeded with an “invitation – expression of interest to submit financial offers for the meeting of the administration, general management, employees and employees of the organization… in order to have a two-way update of events for 2023… with the criterion of awarding the most advantageous offer based on price, budget 7,500 euros plus VAT”. And while according to the invitation anyone interested had the right to participate, the email addresses of three companies involved in the organization of events which are found in the relevant document of the invitation of interest that Documento reveals today, raise questions. In short, there was a competition for anyone who wanted to make an offer, namely… three specific companies! And to make it even more secure that beyond the three companies to which the invitation was sent no one else would be wedged in… uninvited, the call for interest was submitted on Friday noon 26/1 and the financial offers had to be sent by Monday 29/1 ! And since the invitation was not posted on the OAKA website (despite the fact that such a thing is provided for in the terms of the competition), this means that someone would have to be a… soothsayer to submit a bid, unless informed in writing by the relevant department of the stadium.

Complaint also for “photo contest”

In addition to this, Documento also has at its disposal a named report – complaint from a physical therapy machine company for one of the tenders conducted by the procurement department of OAKA. The report, which was sent to the stadium management and the procurement department, among other things states: “I am contacting you to ask if you are really interested in the OAKA Competitions to supply reliable systems that actually offer the Laboratory of Occupational Physiology and Industrial precision and fidelity or simply get some systems that lack the accuracy and fidelity due to “relationships”. In fact, in the Declaration “For the Supply of Equipment for the Physiology and Industrial Laboratories of the National Center for Sports Research of the OAKA ‘Spyros Louis’ through an open process through ESIDIS, with the lowest price as the Award criterion” the specifications that visually photograph the equipment of a specific company are extremely challenging with subordinate systems…”.

“We know how the procedures are done”

And the email ends with a closing comment from the complainant: “We know very well the way all the procedures are done. Unfortunately, the pathogenicity continues resulting in rigs being paid for by taxpayers, wasting money on unreliable systems… The best thing to do is to cancel the Tender and do a real investigation…”.

No response was given to the complainant, apparently because the authorities believe that everything was done legally. But based on the complaint about the specific tender there is an essential question: Is it true or not that it was decided and passed in the tender technical specifications that suited a certain company? And since we are talking about public money, clear and convincing explanations are essential.

Imprisonment sentences

Two current directors of OAKA, Th. Spertos and V. Karasoulis, and a former one, Th. Kyrousis, were sentenced to eight months in prison with suspension following a lawsuit filed by the father of a young swimmer for a minor injury in the showers of the Olympic swimming pool! In 2019 the plaintiff went to open the shower on his son and because a part was missing he was cut and stitched. In addition to the three executives of OAKA, the representative of the association with which the little athlete trained was also sentenced to six months in prison, also suspended.

Read also: OAKA 2.0: The… toaster of rage

OAKA 2.0: Polycarbonates made of gold – 2.5 million euros for their removal

OAKA 2.0: Screaming and threats in the corridors while the facilities rot

OAKA 2.0: After the rot the… waterfalls

#OAKA #Competitions #elite

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