Mr. Principle:
It was recently announced that nine hospitals in the Coquimbo region are conducting hearing screening programs in new babies, to diagnose congenital hearing loss so that patients can be treated in time.
We celebrate this measure and it should be more widely distributed, because, if it is not detected in time, an impairment in the ability to listen in children can have an irreversible effect on the development of communication, academic, social and emotional due to being in a constant learning and development phase.
For every thousand live births, there is a rate of hearing loss between 2 and 5 children and, surprisingly, 50% of the diagnosed cases do not show any associated risk factors, but it is an acceptable number ‘ is there for diagnosis and treatment, and that is why we discuss. it must implement universal hearing screening programs, detecting childhood deafness in time, treating it, thus avoiding lower development of future generations.
Camilo Many