It has been proven that when the functions of an organ are disturbed, it begins to work in a different rhythm, the frequency and strength of its vibrations change. A striking example is a sick heart. And this is where music comes to the rescue.
On some Italian instruments from the Renaissance era, the inscription “Music heals the soul and body” can be seen.
Already in Ancient Egypt and Greece, physicians treated the sick with sounds and had extensive knowledge in this field. Ancient Chinese healers assumed that music could help with any illness, and even wrote “musical prescriptions” to affect one or another organ.
The first serious studies on the healing effect of music on the human body were conducted at the end of the 19th century by the neuropathologist James Corning. He studied the influence of Wagner’s music on mental disorders. Trial auditions of this composer’s works by patients gave impressive results, and special healing concerts began to be held in the hospital.
Today we turn again to sounds as a way to help ourselves. A few years ago, the Roman Academy of Sciences presented the results of research on the influence of music on humans. It turns out that depression, fear, the effects of stress, heart disease and hypertension can be cured in 90%.
The conclusions of the Italian scientists were confirmed by specialists from all over the world.
Today, a special international association develops and releases “musical” drugs, and trains music therapy specialists. In the association, musical compositions are created that help with insomnia, depression, neurosis, have a positive effect on the recovery of the body after severe illnesses and operations, relieve the suffering of incurable diseases. Adherents of this non-traditional method of treatment and prevention are constantly increasing.
It has been proven that when the functions of an organ are disturbed, it begins to work in a different rhythm, the frequency and strength of its vibrations change. A striking example is a sick heart. And this is where music comes to the rescue.
If we know with which instrument the diseased organ sounds in unison, and we regularly listen to performances of this instrument, the healing rhythm will help the body regain its previous sound.
Specialists have reached the following conclusions about the influence of individual tools on different organs in the body:
• The violin heals the soul, helps to embark on the path of self-knowledge, evokes a feeling of compassion and readiness for self-sacrifice.
• The organ brings order to the mind, harmonizes the energy flow of the spine.
• Piano cleanses the thyroid gland.
• The drum restores the rhythm of the heart, puts the circulatory system in order.
• The flute purifies and expands the lungs.
• The harp harmonizes the work of the heart.
• The cello has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys.
• Cymbal balances the liver.
• The accordion activates the work of the abdominal area.
#Music #medicine #soul #body