The mayor of Toulouse, Jean-Luc Moudenc, inaugurated a new exhibition on Square Charles-de-Gaulle this Wednesday, April 17. “10 years of progress for Toulouse” follows the main changes and metamorphoses of the Pink City between 2014 and 2024. But the opposition does not see this initiative in the same way.
The exhibition “10 years of progress for Toulouse”, which will be accessible until Saturday 25 May, is controversial among the political field. © Clement Thiery
It’s hard to miss the large white dome installed outside Capitole metro station, at the intersection of rue d’Alsace-Lorraine and Charles-de-Gaulle square in Toulouse . It is under this large canvas that the mayor, Jean-Luc Moudenc, launched the Wednesday 17 April a new show at the initiative of the Municipality : “10 years of progress for Toulouse, a changing city”.
It was together with four of his elected officials, including his first deputy Marion Lalane-de Laubadère, that the mayor presented the three touch boards listing nearly 200 creations that changed Toulouse between 2014 and 2024. A video, broadcast on a large screen, allows youlook at the Pink City from the sky and various types of documents are available to visitors. Accessible until Saturday 25 May rue d’Alsace-Lorraine, this exhibition cheap also travel, but in a smaller form, to neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city center in the coming days.
Three touch boards allow you to see the 200 main achievements that changed Toulouse between 2014 and 2024. © Clement Thiery
The municipal opposition denies a communication stunt
“We are experiencing a crisis of confidence in public affairs, so it is necessary report on citizen activities and call the residents! », assures Jean-Luc Moudenc. But this information comes at a cost. When questioned on this subject, the mayor revealed that this project required “a extension of 100,000 euros on the standard communication budget.
A pill that goes badly with the oral cavity. So, in a joint press release, 15 leftist elected officials, ecologists and citizens consider that this show is just a show contact shot « pour mayor clearly campaigning for re-election in 2026 ».
Worse still, they deny that the mayor use of public funds for own electoral purposes. “Toulouse taxpayers do not need to finance the huge cost of a campaign campaign,” they believe. The elected socialists François Briançon and Vincent Gibert filed as such report to the CNCCFP (National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Financing) because they believe that “this campaign is a clear violation of the rules governing the financing of political campaigns”.
The exhibition “10 years of progress for Toulouse” goes against all ethical principles regarding political funding. Some put forward a budget of more than 500,000 euros! We just asked @jlmoudenc and inform the competent authorities. @fbriancon @vgibert
– PS Toulouse (@ElusPSTulouse) April 17, 2024
“There is no electoral or political bias in this show”
For his part, Jean-Luc Moudenc defends himself by making sure that “the opposition is talking in a nonsensical way”. “No there is no electoral and political aspect in this exhibition, only a glimpse of the evolution of the metropolis. He also says “They should have waited to get to this show before shooting them at point blank range. […] I would also like to remind them, in terms of communication, that the restrictions related to the election campaign are starting September 1, 2025 ».
On a more surprising note, the mayor is still delighted that the opposition is talking about this exhibition: “The irony would be if the residents of Toulouse didn’t know it exists. Through this controversy, my colleagues finally make it famous…”. And to end the debate, he preferred to laugh with “in every political situation, the opposition always has the right to give himself an image. more controversial than credible, it’s a choice! “.
Clement Thiery (ISCPA)
2024-04-18 22:01:57
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