SURABAYA (Suarapubliknews) – Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) through Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes) appealed to the public not to panic about the Singapore flu epidemic. Therefore, the Surabaya Health Office shares recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus. The public is also requested to be able to recognize the signs or symptoms of catching the flu in Singapore so that they can get treatment at the nearest health service facility.
The Head of Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes), Nanik Sukristina, said that the Singapore flu is a disease caused by infection with the Coxsackievirus strain and that the A16 type is the most common. This disorder is also known as hand, foot and mouth disease or HMFD. Singapore flu can cause symptoms in the form of blisters or sores on the mouth, as well as blisters on the hands and feet.
“When it does happen, the symptoms that develop are generally mild until they disappear on their own after a few days. “Singapore flu is a viral disease that can heal itself (a self-limiting disease) without antiviral treatment, and will heal on its own within 7-10 days,” said Nanik Sukristina, Thursday (18/4/2024).
Nanik explained that several cases of Singapore flu were found in the city of Surabaya from January to 16 April 2024, all cases were found in hospitals and the treatment was done according to standards and on the basis of patients – out with the treating doctor.
“The number of influenza cases in Singapore identified based on medical interviews and physical examination results of symptoms/complaints to patients during January – 16 April 2024 reported by Health Resources on the Early Warning and Response System application ( SKDR) that there were 61 cases,” he explained.
He said the management of Singapore flu includes supportive treatment to reduce the discomfort of the sufferer, and hydration to prevent dehydration. Outpatient treatment was given to 61 cases diagnosed in the hospital because the general condition was good. Because of this, most cases of Singapore flu can heal on their own within 7-10 days without specific treatment.
“Basically, Singapore flu is a viral infection that can heal itself (a self-limiting disease) without antiviral therapy. “Nevertheless, parents and victims are still advised to provide independent care until the situation improves when the victim’s nutrition is achieved independently ,” he said.
Therefore, the Department of Health shares several prevention tips, to anticipate and avoid the Singapore flu. Among other things, wash your hands regularly with running water and soap. Especially after defecating, changing the baby’s diaper, then when preparing and before eating.
“Don’t share eating and drinking utensils, or you will be in close contact with someone who is sick. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough, either using a tissue or the inside of your elbow. “Also, regularly clean items that could be a medium for the virus to spread, such as doorknobs, tables and television controls,” he said.
In addition, people are advised to rest at home if they are experiencing symptoms of Singapore flu until their condition has fully recovered. Nanik also advised exposed residents to immediately seek treatment at their nearest health service facility if they experience symptoms of fever, sore throat, painful canker sores on the tongue, gums and inside in the cheeks, and a rash that is usually on. palms of the hands, soles of the feet and sometimes in the buttocks.
“Without itching, the rash can appear red, white, gray, or just appear as small bumps. Then cough and lose appetite. “So come immediately and get treatment at a health facility,” he said.
At the same time, if a resident is infected with the flu in Singapore, the first treatment that needs to be done is to give the sufferer adequate nutrition, anti-inflammatory medication give a fever counter if the victim has a fever, and give pain medication if they experience it. body pain.
“Residents are also requested to report to the nearest health facility or Health Service within 1×24 hours if they experience symptoms of Singapore flu immediately, after receiving treatment from a doctor,” said -he closed (q cox).
Post Views: 92
2024-04-18 13:21:28
#Surabaya #Health #Office #Shares #Tips #Avoiding #Singapore #Flu #Urges #People #Panic #York #Times