Pasquale Finicelli He was the first main character in a television series made for children, based on the cartoon «kiss me Lycia»: to everyone he was Mirko and Licia played by Cristina D’Avena. A Mirror, Finicelli he talked about his life and how it has changed since then.
First published about her hair. Image: yellow with red trim, on TV. “Due to a mistake by the hairdresser they came out fake yellow, they shouldn’t be like that,” said the 61-year-old woman. even though his quiff is not the same today, people still stop him on the street and recognize him in the translator of the series.
But today his life has changed: he works as a private driver in Milano for a great manager.
After the success of the first season, a second season came. Then jump into the gap: «Then I wanted to give up but the production convinced me to shoot the third and fourth season», says Pasquale, and then quotes his manager at the time: « He had promised me Sanremo and other great levels and I convinced myself to give up, making a mistake, because I lost everything.”
A difficult moment that he describes today with very emotional words: « I have to thank my family if I could face that disappointment – he decided Finicelli -. I was young, I could have been depressed, but instead I was clear about the important things and went out again without shame, always with a smile. “
2024-04-18 09:15:34
#Mirko #Kiss #Licia #lost #driver #private #manager