Sun Derong, known as the “Ace Ace”, has often appeared in the media due to health problems in recent years. In 2013, he suffered from stage 3 bladder cancer and had his bladder removed and an artificial bladder implanted last year, he reportedly collapsed and was hospitalized. A few days ago, he shared on the Facebook page “Sun Zhang is here” because he had a urine bag on his body, he could not buy the special tape used in hospitals to tie urine bags. -out itself, but it was very difficult to use. “Lonely elderly people who say they live alone need to learn to take care of themselves.” The doctor said you can ask a nurse or a medical equipment store clerk for advice.
Sun Derong, known as the “Idol Godfather”, reveals how bitter he is after treatment for bladder cancer
Sun Derong is a member of classic groups such as 5566 and 183club, and holds titles such as “Idol Godfather” and “Ace Manager”. He has been in recovery since being diagnosed with stage 3 bladder cancer in 2013. He held a “farewell ceremony” in 2019. In recent years, he has experienced funerals many times, prepared pictures and fools in advance, and he is not shy. talking about his funeral.
Although his organs were removed for bladder cancer and an artificial bladder, urinary catheter and urine bag were installed, he still traveled around for official functions every day. A few days ago, he revealed that he was returning for surgery and after being released from the hospital, he could not find the special tape used to secure the urinary catheter. in the hospital to repair artificial skin to avoid skin irritation and injuries. Also, since I can’t solve everything by myself and have no children or relatives to help me, I feel like a lonely old man and I have to learn to take care of myself.
In the early stage of bladder cancer, only curettage surgery and intravesical medication are needed
Huang Guanxun, an attending physician at the Department of Urology at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital in Chiayi, said that in fact, clinically, bladder cancer patients like Ace Broker who require bladder removal are considered a minority in China. , that most patients have superficial bladder cancer from stage 0 to stage 1. Such patients usually only need surgery to remove the bladder lining, followed by intravesical chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and the bladder can usually be preserved.
However, the recurrence rate of bladder cancer is high, with a recurrence rate exceeding 30% within 5 years. The lining of the bladder is highly flexible If a recurrence is detected early, curettage can be performed Generally, as long as the recurrence occurs under close follow-up, it is usually superficial bladder cancer there is still a chance. of retaining the flow.
Bladder cancer is very aggressive and requires bladder removal for stage 2 and above
However, after stage 2, 3, and 4 bladder cancer, due to the strong recurrence and aggressiveness of cancer cells, the preservation of organs cannot be done artificially. The artificial urethra can be made from the nearby skin as an “artificial anus”, a stoma is made to place a urethra, or it can be opened directly from the original site. Huang Guanxun said that because some patients do not urinate cleanly, they need to connect additional urinary tubes and urine bags to carry urine, so they need to be fixed from the outside.
You can find suitable casts by asking at the hospital’s urology care station or medical supply store.
In response to Sun Derong’s comment that special tapes as convenient as those used for urine bags cannot be fixed outside the hospital, Huang Guanxun said that in fact, medical equipment is very advanced now while you ask the right person, it means that it is medical equipment such as leggings to repair urine bags Of course, there are many options. It is recommended that you ask at the urological care station of the hospital or at a medical supplies store, you should be able to buy them.
Don’t blame hair color, smoking is the biggest cause of bladder cancer
Huang Guanxun said that the incidence rate of bladder cancer has been increasing in recent years, especially in men over 40 years old, where the incidence rate is three times higher than that of women! Although the media often feel that “you should be careful about bladder cancer when you dye your hair,” in fact, as long as you buy certified hair dye, it is very safe, and it is still controversial whether hair dye causes bladder cancer. On the other hand, “smoking” is the most fundamental risk factor.
In addition, those who like to consume herbal medicines indiscriminately, are often exposed to artificial chemical dyes and dyes, and work in areas related to leather or rubber are also major risks. aniline pigment factories 30 times higher than normal ones.
Be careful with painless hematuria
Painless hematuria is the most common symptom of bladder cancer.
◎ Image source / photo taken from Sun Zhulai (Sun Derong Facebook)
◎ Consulting expert / Dr. Huang Guanxun
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2024-04-17 17:10:27
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