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Fans ask Rutkowski what happened to his teeth. HE ANSWERED

Krzysztof Rutkowski has had a successful weekend with his loved ones. At least that’s what a short video he posted on Instagram indicates. The unlicensed detective sings on it and shows his friends, including his wife Maja. He also addressed his followers.

I would like to greet all my fans warmly, very warmly, and I ask a question: why do you like me so much? – he said, smiling broadly.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: Maja Rutkowski about her son’s branded clothes

Fans ask Krzysztof Rutkowski about his teeth

And even though Rutkowski stood out from his group thanks to his style, Internet users did not pay attention to his branded T-shirt, dark glasses, visor or even gold chains, but to his teeth. According to some of Rutek’s observers, there were probably unexplained changes, which they did not hesitate to ask about in the comments.

What happened to your teeth? Is this some kind of “temporary” ill-fitting prosthesis? – we read under the recording.

Rutkowski replied, joking about his age.

Krzysztof, you look like you have too many teeth. Did something happen? – asked another Internet user.

Freebies are the best – Rutkowki replied.

Krzysztof Rutkowski discusses with Internet users

There were more similar comments, and the celebrity patiently responded to them. However, he did not reveal whether he decided to put in new teeth or whether it was just a matter of the now famous light and perspective.

During one of the exchanges, Rutkowski allowed himself to take a dig at the “fan”.

What stable did you get your teeth done in? [przyp. red. pisownia oryginalna] – asked a curious Internet user.

Rutek replied bluntly that he would answer if the questioner “learned spelling.”

Rutkowski under fire

Among the comments regarding Rutkowski’s teeth, there were also single answers to the question asked in the video. It was about the reasons for not liking the detective.

Because you’re pretending – I don’t know who. You used to be yourself, I admired you, Your actions were something! Now you’re like from a comic book… – wrote one of the Internet users.

And Krzysztof Rutkowski found an answer to such a comment.

True class and angelic patience?

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He looks really creepy now…

View replies (15)

what can I say – it’s terrible

The toilet seat is in, as you can see. To make me that much money and look that bad!! Go to “Got Talent”.

((Check on Youtube: venera hologram)) He needs to be introduced to the dancer Dagmara. They are of similar age and have practically the same taste.

Latest comments (290)

And I think the guy is ok. He has a nice family. He works hard to have what he has and can look however he wants. What’s important is character, not appearance – that’s probably what you all say. Regards

He looks younger than 15 years ago, teeth, new hair, where are the hanging double-breasted jackets with stuffed shoulders? Rutek like new!

Rutkowski had his teeth done in Turkey and that’s why it looks so artificial

Buy teeth at Baltona and you will look alive

They exchange teeth with Janachowska

If I replace the wack with a newer model, will it also show?

I bought these for 2 euros on Aliexpress

It’s cool, just as a warning…

There are two cheapskates in Catholic Poland, Rutkowski and Wiśniewski!! ha ha

If a guy has a little more money and wants to look the way he wants, it’s a big deal. That’s why I support him, even though it’s not my style, but we have freedom. Babies, when they do surgery, dyeing and extensions, it’s normal!!!

Oh my God, I was scared… I feel sorry for his son.

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