Young people who drink a lot of alcohol get drunk as soon as possible. This is called binge drinking, also known as binge drinking. Dangerous pastime. Here you can read exactly what goes wrong in the body when you drink too fast and too much in a short period of time.
The reason things go wrong more quickly in young people than in adults is because a young person’s brain deals with alcohol in a different way than an adult brain. Young people’s brains are still developing, which means they have less control over their devices and don’t fully understand the consequences of their actions. The alcohol also hits hard ‘suddenly’, without warning from the body beforehand. They do not feel tipsy, nauseous, dizzy, dizzy or sleepy. So one minute they are standing straight, only to fall apart.
Dazed and confused
Alcohol affects the transmission of impulses between brain cells. The result is less nerve cell activity in your brain. In other words, you will be surprised, and you will feel it: walking and cycling will become more difficult, you will not see the environment as well and your memory will fail you. The big danger with binge drinking is that a young person is so disappointed that he is frustrated with himself. Or brain functions are disrupted to the point that pulse and breathing slow down, leading to unconsciousness. Source:
2024-04-16 12:42:45
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